
Hello! I want to apologize for all my retarded comments (exept with dunno),
I quit ET as well, so bb kids, nolifers and others.

goodbye! cu @ online poker,
Quotetoo much alcohol damaged my brains

u mean ranja damaged ur brains ? typo.. dont worry
poker rox idd
where did he play?

and why use hax evan in public rly?
tjo latertje
Quotep.s. pls dont ask for hax @ pm, i cheated only few times
5 months ago on public server with public hax.

i have demos of how you hacked on lithuanian server 4 days ago or smth.

P.S. your kiddie attention whoring is really annoying
nice1, why u think its me? nikname Kurb<3 can take anyone imo
#care anyway
cause your IP is in serverlogs.

P.S. n1ce guids LoL:
phowned! :P
wow nice proofs! rly
yes smth wrong with my guid:
proof is that: your IP here is the same as in serverlogs, which tells to your small brain that Kurbads = "Kurb<3". If you cant get it, i'm really sorry for you. :(
we have 1 provider, and as u know IP here is not attached with mac adress, so you can use my IP when my pc is turned off, your guid is in your demo too. If you cant get it, i'm really sorry for you. :(
I have another subnet, I am unable to use your IP. If you didnt know they log these type of spoofings, and can close your connection to the internet, without letting you to continue cooperating with them. ;) idiot

P.S. If you are totally stupid: you are unable to use my IP, as well as I cant use yours.
Ah, the internet is such a wonderfull thing.
u are just too young to understand.. i can use your subnet as well as your IP adress, and they cant spy who changing netsettings ;) idiot

P.S. turn off pc this evening and i show u the magic, nub.
LoL, you are really stupid...
our ISP's switch won't let you use connection unless 3rd digit of your IP will fit in. I have different IP, not as yours.
So basically you cant prove your innocence.
like we care, just fuck off and leave us alone, tjernoboi
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