The PC Games!

You people don't appreciate the most important thing you have. I know there are a lot of cheaters in this game, but when you find a cheater, he gets banned. It might be hard to find all the cheaters and sometimes you even ban good people. But the rules say: Cheaters get banned.

In real life it does not work that way. People are trying to blackmail me every day, everyone is trying to steal something from me. Everybody is threatening me if I don't give them some money, they will kill my dog, fire my house, destroy some of my cars and so on. Especially the ones who are rich are the worst shit. Blackmailing is their life. Absolute selfishness and envy, nothing else, basically dead people.

PC games is an amazing lifestyle. Almost pure justice. You both start with 4 villagers and 1 main building. Or you both have 140 hp and 30 bullets. It does not make sense to call anyone a nolifer when the real nolifers are out there.

Im wondering how many people understood. :)
u drunk
Bozar talking bout Cheaters. :DDD
he was banned, but hes still one of the best aimers ever^^
He is? Did I miss something here?
one of the best corner aimers :P
ive never heard of him
he sucks hard tbfh
well, i did.
lol :X
oh i know who you are
Im not sure about what u wanna say but u seem to have serious problems
i understood
You got some loan sharks on your back?
No, read again. Money is a bit like a curse. Another proof that human race is crazy. They want to be cursed so much. Not to have the power to make the world better, they would just LOOOVE to be cursed.
So is this some zeitgeist-crap?
Im actually wondering why you arent from Finland :/

e: r u still playing ET?
Once a month. I will come back one day to own some lans and leave forever. :))
well, it would be nice to see if you are really so highskilled or if the bot does that, looking forward to it :)
I think u have watched too many movies for tonight mister psychic telekinesis levitation master.
I someone after you in RL?
It's because they want money. Monetary system is one of the main reason to this world misery. It should be deleted. Somehow.
There is only one real and stable way. Different upbringing of children and change of the whole culture.
Agree, I wish the world was flat like the old days and I could travel just by holding a map. No more aeroplanes or speedtrains or freeways, there'd be no distance that could hold us back.
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Feels good man
that would be like heaven
Instead of money people would just steal objects.
Steal? What is that? When there is nothing to sell, there can't be stealing, right? Stealing is caused because ownership, and owning is caused because there is money/other way to gain different things. Also money has became just like a meaning itself, it used to be way to just trade things, but not anymore. After all everything exist just because profits. blabla...
Before there was money people were just trading directly.
Thiefs would steal objects instead of money if there was none.

Was like that in the past.
Everything is free-->no such thing as stealing.
You're denying mankind here.

There's no way for everything to be free. If I catch a fish, is it mine, or is it free to take for anyone?

Im telling you, people are gonna get mad when you take the only fish they caught in a month while telling them: 'everything is free, so this is no stealing'.

Rethink your ideas.
You are saying that people are selfish by nature? No, people have become selfish cause the monetary system and 'ownership' idea. Why wouldn't this man just get his fishing rod and go get his fish and enjoy fishing, but he would take other people fish? Makes sense?
If he doesn't like fishing, why would he even go fishing lol? Cause pretty much everything would be automated(jobs), and people would have time to do something they enjoy to do.
If there would be no money there would still be 'ownership'. And yes, it's proven that people are selfish by nature. It's because we have a survival instinct. One that does not know how to fish will possibly steal fish from others to keep himself alive.
It just works like that.

This might not apply to you personally, so it might be hard to understand, but this is true in general.
Ye maybe in society where is no machines etc, but I'm talking about society where machines have automated most of jobs. So the society would be kinda same than us nowdays, but a lot of better in terms of caring about humans,living environment, health and so on. So basically no competition that is caused by monetary system and 'must have profits or perish' -idea.
Btw, how comes people are selfish by nature? :p I just can't imagine that kind of behaviour in another society that is not based on this kind of monetary system which forces people to compete vs each others.
You mean in a perfect world.
Get real man, there is no perfect world. There is this thing called scarcity, you know.
Haha, u know why there is scarcity? Because its created for maxium profits. U really think that with nowdays technology and knowledge there would be any scarcity if people who really have some power to affect things would put effort to get 'better world'? But instead they are creating this scarcity to maximize profits, to get more power etc. Obviously they don't want to lose it all what they have gathered. If you haven't realized yet, this whole fucking society is one big pyramid scheme.
Dude, use your brain. Fact is, there is scarcity in all things. Resources are limited so there's no way of it being 'no ones property'. People will be fighting over it.

Can't believe your this stupid.
Yes, indeed resources are limited so just watch around you how this consumption society is wasting those resources.
Have you ever heard about renewable energy/renewable resources? Maybe its time to learn/put effort to use/gather it effectively instead of draining other resources? Mhh just a solar energy for example, how about if we could gather it effectively, it could give us enought energy as long as we(solar system) live here. + there are ofc other forms of 'free energy' like wind, water, earth.
I agree, there are renewable resources.
Your point is...... ?

what you just said contains little to support your idea that without a monetary system, all would be better.
QuoteFact is, there is scarcity in all things. Resources are limited so there's no way of it being 'no ones property'. People will be fighting over it.

My point is: Resource based economy instead of monetary based economy.
Ofc this won't happen overnight, especially when people are stuck in this rat race to survive financially/just survive.
And yes, I need to be optimistic, nothing can't happen if we just think that "nah it won't happen anyway and I need to focus how to pay this bill now".
There's nothing wrong in being optimistic, if at least you'r calims are valid.

It's just a fact that resources are scarce and that there's no way to live entirely on renewable resources for the coming 10 years or so.
You are not stupid. But you still waste your time with people who don't (are not able to) listen to you. :)
What he says is not dumb but he's quite the optimist.
im seeing a pattern here.....

back in your cave , troll.
what the fuck are you talking about?
I don't think he's trolling, I think he has genuine mental issues.
my cellphone inet is from Norwegen!!!!
i wouldnt blackmail u or call u a nerd :)
Why wouldn't you blackmail someone with such an abundance of wealth and possessions? Unless you think he lies about working 18hour days, getting paid a 6 figure salary and still finding time to cheat at online games :oooooo
You forgot to mention that he also can move objects with his mind and got a 180 ping.. ehmm.. IQ I mean..
Sounds reasonable.
Why youd need to even ask that lol

is that SO suprising?
Hehehe Shuki jealous?
sigh. he was playing every day some years ago and got like 3-4 frags to make youtube vids of, anyone who was playing against ever knows how shit he is.

e: point is Bozar = 2bad2cheat.
Good God you're ignorant.
I'm a cynic but I try and keep my heart warm, human beings start wars but I believe in peace even for Darfur.

No but money is just a concept, hard to do much with your life without it though.
What the hell are you talking about?
I like it lol though I haven't had a chance to listen to more yet
RIP Bozar
someone ban this guy before the flame pushes him into the abyss of suicide :€
QuoteIm wondering how many people understood. :)
Not many.
basically you're being fucked all over

weri nais

and you don't get 14ohp and 30 bullets always
i totally understood and its amazing that you could make such a clear point using the romantic social imagery of both computer games that exist

i see you have been training your mind hard again while the rest of us are just idiots chasing after tokens
Watch out! Bozar can bend spoons with the power of his mind! He can move paper around a room.... He can do things that we cannot even imagine.
No, because Irelia is definitely op atm
my opinion on irelia is based on her being my main.
well and I played vs several irelias and none of them could beat me being nidalee.
Must have been bad players then. Irelias ability to farm creeps is amazing and I felt more fed with those creeps only than I sometimes do after eight kills with Tristana / Ashe / Kata
or I am just a good NIdalee? ;)
Could be too... but when I play with my friends atm one of them started playing Nidalee now, and I wouldn't say he is too bad with it, but he doesn't contribute that much to teamfights except if he is lucky enough to be undetected at a very good javelining position. It could just be him though
well in teamfights I heal a lot ^^
Hate it when people threaten to fire my house.
I know man, how is he supposed to support his family with no job?!
I am going to fire your house.
His wife might file for detachment.
i dont have such people in my neighborhood
Good enough. :)
ur a cunt, u got nothing better to do but troll, ur shit at et and cheat and u will never go to lan..

reality check, np
homosexuals have ruined this planet
pieksät sun pessii päivällä ja yöllä?
gtfo my interwebz fuckin hovno
people tried to rob you at mcdonalds and then threatened to kill your dog and "fire" your house if you reported them? ]x
I like how you make fun of mcdonalds... the most fucked up company. :)

PS: Don't compete with me, you know you can't win. :)
u left gypsy gang ?
how many cars u have :O?
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