starcraft 2 players
5 Mar 2011, 20:01
anyone play starcraft 2 online ?
need buddies to rage noobs! drop me a message.
is there mirc channel? or some other similar channel ?
need buddies to rage noobs! drop me a message.
is there mirc channel? or some other similar channel ?
butchji -> Master League gosu
me/Noorgrin -> upper Diamond not gosu enough for Master League
dezire -> scrub
add if you want :)))
krest & flopjehz playing it aswell i think..
if some guys could help me a bit, it would be appreciated :>
tursas.421 add me if u want to
playing playing playing
Master gosu Protoss
Silver Terran
Silver Zerg
Mh not completely true
sucky TvP + ZvP
good ZvZ ZvT is meh
good TvZ TvT
2on2 is omnomnoming my 1on1 skill mh... time for developing my BO's better :<
In patch 1.3 (coming v.soon) they're removing loses from your profile. Would this go some way to alleviate your fear of laddering?
Although, it's combined with the fact that I really don't have time to play alot of sc2, and doing casual once-per-2weeks sc2-gaming obviously results in losing every single time