Pokemon Artist(s)

For those of you wondering, the Pokemon marathon was a image: Borat_Great_Success

Following on from this, it emerged that a few members of ventrilo had drawn Pokemon as submissions for Art class at school. Below are two such examples, perhaps you can guess the artists ...

image: 1216gjc
Drawn by xxx, aged 9

image: 28ti58m
Drawn by xxx, aged 12

Will reveal the names once the journal reaches 50 comments! if the journal doesn't reach 50 comments then YOU'LL NEVER FUCKING KNOW

Tonight, together, united, we march on the 4th Gym of Unova.

Remember, our Saturday will be better than yours.

image: 2i6zx2h
Bullied by every other kid in the class, aged 12-18
1 comment
Baggiez, I have a crush on you.
United Kingdom noodleking
I've stolen more pokemon cards than anyone here :o)
Only the 4th? Im at the 6th!! Absolutely ROLLING
Have fun?

Are you serious? You stopped by to throw a token 'have fun' then you're done? Mission accomplished?
This is pure awesomeness
helping out here
image: mrtctimage: tumblrldtk3e7hlz1qarr5t
Zeh Pokebollz Mann
"Hit the white button so it'll get bigger!"
im curious
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