bad ass hangover

fuck, puked in bar toilet 2 times, came home wasted as fuck

my condition now:

everything i drink/eat gets puked out after some minutes, already puked 4 times at home

i want to dtink but i can't knowing that ill throw up again

damn didnt had this kind of hangover for ages, this is what you get mixng vodka+beer :(

tho headache starts to go off little bit, but ffs
you are very cool
Mixed vodka, tequila & malibu one day, imagine the result when i started to be wasted. I know what you're feeling
i had the same it lasted for fucking ages, i was starving and thirsty as fuck and i couldnt eat/drink i thought i was going to die man.
yea, you feel me

being thirsty :(
Palestinians > Jews
So far the ones who are prisoned are the Palestine so your theory failed, mr weirdpokemon guy
Only because the Jews have the backing of the USA. Isreali's shouldn't be in Palestinian land.
We can do whatever we want, you can eat yourself
God bless suicide bombers.
fucking jews, 2 bad adolf didn't manage to burn u all
Yeah, joke joke but there is a line and you are far above it, take a reality check and realize what you're saying
Nothing bad in that, they are going to be terrorists anyways when they grow up, why not deal
With the problem from the beginning
hey mate if some long nosed mother fuckers came to my land killed my ppl and afterwards they tortured us, belive me id want some revenge aswell.

you are the ones creating terrorists. no child is born as a terrorist
Researches showed that terrorism is a genetic figure in palestne
Plus in nature the strong survives - we were stronger ( and fewer) yet we won, so stop crying
thats what they tell u in israel?

"Researches showed that terrorism is a genetic figure in palestne"

dumbest thing ive ever read, u do realise how dumbass is what u just said?

"Plus in nature the strong survives - we were stronger ( and fewer) yet we won, so stop crying"

reminds me of certain ppl some years ago being killed everyday like easy bash and afterwards had to be saved. not even 1 of u would still be alive if u didnt get saved. u are the race that suffered the most because u were the weakest race. if nature would have followed its progress ud be as dead as dinosaurs dumbass.
I thought you left cf? and now you back, FUCK OFF RETARDED SHITHEAD.
and u are proud?
It's not a huge achievement because they were defending with rocks and childrens (LOL) but at least were the stronger side
Can't wait to do a massacre on belgium
What a bad Photoshop, and an incredibly stupid joke, how can it. Make sense? Do you even realize the bizarre 'joke'?
What the are they feeding you in Belgium that your iq is so low
bizarre joke?

Jews are such a fucking shit race, they own the crap out of u and 80 years later u go and do the same crap?:D wish some hitler II would bomb the shitout of u, ur doing almost the same as they've done to u... things like building roads only for jews etc etc.

sick to see after all what u suffered and seeing what u are doing now

indentifying each one of u like hitler did wasnt that bad idea man, it was something like: watch out this guy is a jew if he can he wil backstab u.

just a hint for u mr. high IQ search on the internet which flag represents each country and ud notice mine is not belgian.
Your flag never represented Belgium in my eyes, I was having memories of some Belgium gang having a go on Israel
QuoteWhat the are they feeding you in Belgium that your iq is so low

Agree with you sir! Nice to see a smart person here.
i dont support hitler by any chance but it just pisses me off what they do
on a serious note as I got to go, you're living in a huge big lie and I think you should have a reality check and realize you are been fed with bullshit ( comes from a soldier serving in gazza currently against a Spanish girl who read propaganda)
yeah because all the international newspaper (i could get thousands of links if i wanted to) are all lies and yours, the newspapers from israel -the country doing the nazi thing- is the truth. makes perfect sense
You retards talking about this situation like your living it day by day,come on..
Do NOT believe anything of what the corrupt media is showing,it just way too far from being true.
I live in Israel,I had served in the Israeli Army,I been there,and done that,and all I can say is that you should keep your fucked up comments about this situation where is belongs to,to your self,living far away from all this shit going on makes it very easy to judge.
hilarious, a jew talking about corrupt media. its taped in video bro

my judgment is impartial since im faraway and written in paper thats how it goes. your judgment is bullshit because u are israeli and in the jew army.

u are as brain washed as nazis back in the days, u are just like them denying all the crap u are doing.. just like back in the days.
who gives a shit bout israel and palestine,2shitholes filled with fat nosed sandniggers wearing diapies on their heads
oh yeh...

do this,maybe will help u :D

when i have a hangover i do nothing,but lay in bed drink lots of jews and water
thanks, will read
idd.. u cant tell the differnce between a jew and an arab they both sandniggers:s
welcome to university life. Sounds like a friday night
friday nights are shit, weekdays are the bomb
never mix vodka with bears.

edit: lol i wrote that before i read you drank vodka and beer, i had the same exact thing a few weeks ago.
vodka without beer is wasted money
Havn't got that battered in ages, you got the cold sweats and shivers? That is just the worst! :(
yea and sometimes random shaking ffs

feels like ur muscles are working on 20%
Then you sir, got smashed last night :D


get one of these

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRIfPPvcMG0TmJb9J7-f7XMDlDMQ60kBzTeEiKHZM_2g92n36cY&t=1

and one of these

image: article-1227107-072576BF000005DC-474_468x286

Or a good ol English fry up! Will make you feel so much better :P
u do realise he will puke the shit out of his brains if he drinks and eats that.

He cant neither drink or eat AT ALL, all he can do is suffer and wait.. then he'll be able to eat and drink. When i was on the same situation as him i couldnt even drink water... if i took a sip of water i puked it 30 right after i drank.
ye i ate some, feels better now

damn its a nice feeling when ur getting better x))
hi dunz, bye dunz
got home at 7 , got up at 16

didnt puke

hangover has left the building
You could avoid it by drinking properly and not been a fucking idiot
On a side note: drinking doesn't make you look cool
It kinda does actually. So does smoking.
No chance in hell
I think it does.
Are you drinking and smoking to look cool?

And what makes drinking cool? How
Is taking a bottle and drinking( or takingshots) any cool action?
Why is humanity in such a rock bottom?
gee and u're the smart one. I bet u never even got out to some club or had a gf. u're just sitting every weekend in your house and getting more and more bitter cause ur life is shit and talking bullshit on inet. only people who are complete losers talk shit just like u and just like this
fully agreed
I drink and I'm never at home, but if I hate something is to proud of been drunk and having hangover
It's a pathethic excuse for life and pleasure and society is at rock bottom if getting drunk and puking everytime counts as something to be proud of
You are being trolled btw. Just a hint.
Dunzy does ( he is gay thought)
The Croatians I doubt ( I myself am not serious, I haven't had some cf actions in a while)
I do not troll, there are plenty of morons here doing that already. the competition is too big, so it's best not to even try :)
i have never said im proud of it

i just wanted to share my current health experience with the community :)
I don't drink 'to look cool' and I have never smoked. When it comes to 'looking cool' though, I think that an awesome dude standing around with a beer looks more awesome than a guy with a glass of coke.

Same goes for smoking, I kinda like the idea of 'I know it's bad for me and it's stupid but fuck it, I'm smoking anyway'. Besides, if I were to picture myself in the coolest way possible, I would definitely be smoking a cig.
You fucking loser lolllllll
image: 29104_30955144212493713613534

This wouldn't be half as cool as without a cigarette, would it?
u are still not cool
i agree partly

people who already are cool, drinking and smoking makes them only cooler

boring, ugly and irritating people drinking and smoking become only more boring, ugly and irritating
mix some salt with water
amature dunz m8
jus die infront of your crappy aids_machine ::::
dunzy i'm disappointed
50ml of vodka or some beer and you should feel better
ur frog strenx finished third


i have no idea why im telling you this
Where were you yesterday?

I went to the capital to party and go pro myself ;)

Thought I was not wasted, but turns out we went to Club Von Überblingen and I didnt know that in the morning :D

And, I had never ever puked in the morning during the hangover, but today was the first time :D
started to party at friends place, he had a birthday party, after that wen't to city firstly to a bar called shooters, then nimega, embassy and finished in avenue (cancan strip bar, practically all on the same street, in old city, ofc)

yea uber is one of my favourite clubs, tho theres like 90% chance you will be fighting d;

all tho most of people in clubs nowadays are bitter and unfriendly, everyone is angry or smth lol, because i was little bit clubbin in other countries and its way more friendly and fun, well just an opinion
I almost got into a fight yesterday, because I started talking to random people @ the smoking room. :D:D But my ultimate friendlyness saved me.

And as much as my friends have told me, we didnt go to the old city this time. Not a big fan of the old city pubs. Nimeta is so annyoing with it's 21 age limit. Sometimes you get in and then you dont. Toonik was fine , but nowadays the same shit.

But shooters pwns :D
yee, shooters is awesome ;)
This LiverpoolChampion guy is a fucking idiot.
he has some strange views idd
That's a better way of putting it :)
I puked like 5 times and i feeled like someone shot me to head. I never drink again
throw up as much as you can it's awesome X)
Just another weekend at the bar ...
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