Any good jokes?

Share some good jokes. Make em short please.

My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, 'What's on TV?'
I said, 'Dust.'
And that's how the fight started.
'What's on TV?"
I said, 'Quake Live Final'
And that's how her Momentum started.
n3rd :DDDD
So I'm walking down the street and I see a black guy wearing Puma shoes and carrying a TV. I was like WTF THAT'S MINE oh wait mine is wearing Nikes.
i dont get it tbh ..
in poland this is supposed to be funny. the thing is, when u say a random word like bus or potato to a polish person, they laugh. because they are fucking dumb. fucking polaks.
you mad cause you black ?
He's talking about the black guy as a slave, saying his slave was wearing nikes.
didn't expect you to get it tbh
ah i get it now, not that funny .
but everyone has a other sense of humor !
it's funny if you arent black or really dont give a shit about racism.

When white people make fun on white people then black people think it's racism because they are left out. When white people make fun of black people, you guessed it, it's racism.
i hate niggers.
and im not black .
A Pollack walked into a bar with a duck under his arm. The bartender saw them and said, "Hey, what are you doing bringing that pig in here?" The Pollack answered, "That's not a pig; it's a duck." And the bartender replied, "I was talking to the duck!"

could not help it lol :D
The worst part of a one night stand in Wales is having to pick the wool off ya Cock in the morning!

Paddy goes to his local nurse to say he has a severe rash on his balls, she examines him & says 'Your going to have to stop wanking', He says 'WHY?' she says, 'because im trying to fucking examine you'

Woman goes to the Dr's & says 'I'm getting to much discharge' Dr says 'Pop ya knickers off and get on the bed'. He puts on his latex gloves and applys 3 fingers into her vagina, 'How does that feel?' Fucking lovely she replies but the discharge is in my ear!

Mick & Paddy are reading headstones at a cemetery. Mick says 'Crikey, This bloke died aged 152'. Paddy says 'Whats his name mick?' Mick replied 'Miles from London'.
Guy holding an emotion themed fancy dress party hears a knock at the door.
Opens up and a guy in green from head to toe stood there.
"you must be envy ?" he says "thats right!" and he lets him in.
The next knock at the door , he opens up and Paddy and Mick are stood ther stark ballock naked.
Paddy stood ther with his cock in a bowl of custard and Mick with a pear on the end of his cock.
"What the fuck have you two come as?"To whick Paddy replies
"Well oi'm fuckin dis custard and Mick's cum in dis pear!"
QuoteThe worst part of a one night stand in Wales is having to pick the wool off ya Cock in the morning!

Prolly only funny to wales people :D
xD i laughed at the wanking one :DDD
Well i had this girlfriend i was so long with her together until i had to move to a different city. We tried to keep in touch and tried to save our relationship but one day i got this letter from her.
She said: "Dear RazZaH, i just cant keep this relationship with you up. The distance is way to high. I also have to admit that i betrayed you 4 times already since you arnt here anymore. This isnt okay. Neither for you nor for me so i think that we have to end this right now. I am really sorry for this. Could you do me one last favour and send me back my foto which i gave you?"

regards Sarah.

Well, at first i was like wtf but then i realised that it was the truth. She really broke up with me AND betrayed me. I couldnt let her win in a moral way. I had to write something back that she wont ever forget. I mean she betrayed me so i went to all my friends, girlfriends, exgirlfriends, cousins and so on and collected some pictures. I collected like 57 pictures and put them all with Sarahs picture into a folder. I also put a letter to all that pictures and wrote a small letter:

"Dear Sarah,
i am really sorry, but i dont know anymore who you are. Could you please pick out your picture and send me back the other pictures."

regards razzah
didn't you make journal with that one?
jup but long time ago
truth ? when yes nice move
Devil captured german, polak and russian. He locked each one in a room, 2mx2m no walls, furniture or anything. He gave each of them 2 steel balls 1cm in diameter and told them to do sth with them, then he will let them out. Few hours later he checks the german. The german is juggling. Devil let him out. He checks the russian. He made one ball stand on another. Devil let him out. He checks the polak. He broke one ball and lost another.
I've got one.
So Bush, Condi and Dick Cheney are flying in Air Force one together. Condi looks out the window and says, "I could throw out one $100 bill out the window and make one person very happy."
Cheney looks at her and says, "Yeah well I could throw 10 $10 bills out the window and make 10 people very happy."
Not to be outdone Bush replies "Yeah well I could throw 100 $1 bills out the window and make 100 people very happy."
The pilot listening to all this, turns to his co-pilot and say, "For chrissake, Y'know I could throw those three out the window and make 6 billion people very happy."
One guy is sitting in a plane with some friends. The guy bets that he can always say on which position of the earth they are at that moment, if he holds his hand out of the window. His friends agree. After some minutes he says: "we are in the desert". They ask him:"how do you know that?" He says: "my hand is really hot". After some hours he says:"we are on the northpole". They ask him: "How do you know that?" and he says:"my hand is so cold". Again some hours later he says:"we are in poland". They ask him again:"how the hell do you know that?" He answers:"My clock is missing".
Q: How did the Germans conquer Poland so fast?

A: They marched in backwards and the Polish thought they were leaving.

Q: Why don't Jewish cannibals like eating Germans?

A: They give them gas.
I did no such thing.
yours is golden :D
I've been working on my essay about the wind.

It's only a draft.
Aalborg will be next month

ET will be 6on6

alexL is clean

UK gonna win NC

Sample & Ensam & kapaa goes to TLR esports challenge
best of the best ofc
More of those

well thats not exactly a joke but yeah

once i was at the doctor together with my bro alright, and there was some really black guy sitting around. so basically my bro said "hey gimme that magazine plz" and i was like "i'm not your fucking nigger".silence.

so yeah basically that was it, not the funniest stuff around though
Have that a few times as well. Calling my friend a fucking arab (he is one) while other gangstas around :PP
ipod is good @ et
made me lol
But that was cruel.
Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.
Reminds me about this finnish irc-quote / storie , related to news-topic "5-yo came drunk to school".

"OMG. What was a 5-yo doing at school?"
"Yeah, that's what I thought too"
Few days earlier, best joke "ever" :DDD

You know there are different times of drunkness / hangovers.

Pope drunk = two guys carrying you, no one can understand what you speak.

Wolf hangover = you wake up next to something so horrid that you have to chew off your hand just not to wake that thing you are sleeping with.

New one!
Jonah-drunk = you are that drunk that you go inside a whale
you want good jokes?

have fun :>
A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.

He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife:

"Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you."

To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He wwas whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"
fun fun fun :D
hahahaha :DDD
Earl was feeling really sad today, so his servant John decided to cheer him up:
- Maybe we should make a huge party?
- Nah John, it's senseless...
- How about I get some girls to dance for you?
- Nah John, it's senseless...
- Hmmm... Maybe I can tell you a riddle?
- Ok John, let's try that.
- There it goes... What's this: small, hairy and goes to a hole?
- It's obvious John, it's a cock!
- No earl, it's a mouse.
- Mouse in a pussy? That makes no sense...
Dr Smith sleeps with one of his patients in a weak moment. He is
tortured with guilt, in one ear his conscience is saying "You are a
single man, don't worry about it". In his other ear, his conscience is
saying " you're a fucking vet you sick bastard".
Two guys are stranded in the desert dying of thirst. As they're walking along they see a little shack. They run up to it and knock on the door. This big, fat, hairy, smelly, ugly, lady answers.
The first man tells the lady about their situation and begs her for a drink.
The women says, "Sure, if you fuck me."
The first man replies, "I would rather die in this desert, then sleep with your fat smelly ass."
The second man wants to live and agree's to do the deed. The second man and the women enter the shack, leaving the first man outside. The women says, "fuck me then!"
The man agrees to do it only if she will close her eyes. He looks around the shack and sees a table full of corn on the cob. He picks one up, fucks her with it and throws it out the window. The women opens her eyes and asks for it again.
The man agrees and repeats the deed. The women is finally satisfied and agrees to give the man and his friend some water. The man calls his friend in and informs him that the women is going to give them some water.
The friend replies, "Fuck the water, I want some more of that buttered corn."
It's the story of a top team called TLR. After being inactive on the ET scene during a couple of years they decided to get back into this game. They recruited 4 of the best players in Europe. The fifth one was R0SS.

this is no fun...jokes about et .....what s next?
best one so far
undoubtedly eheheheheh
kiwi going lan
Žali se Mujo Hasi:
• Zamisli kakva je ona moja drolja!
• A zašto? - pita Haso.
• Zamisli, vraćam se s puta i šaljem joj telegram da ću doći, a ipak je uhvatim sa švalerom!
Posle kraćeg ćutanja, opet će Mujo zamišljeno:
...• A možda i nije drolja, možda nije dobila telegram.
good one x)))))))))
ahaha hhhahahahahaahaahahhaha

What starts with N and Ends with R and you would never say that to a black guy?

Thought it was nigger :S
like everybody else i tell this joke
a woman has an appointment at the drs.
she says: doctor, plz help me, make my breasts bigger.
the doctor replies: no problem at all ma`am, just go home, take a piece of toiletpaper and rubb it between your breasts.
the woman looks strangly at him and ask: well, are you sure that helps?
doctor: why not? it did with your ass
2 jew and 1 white go into a bar and the bartender go "how did you get in in the door" and teh white go "i came with the jew" xD

It is only joke so dont be mad i like jew irl :D

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why am i the only one getting a warning , there are alot of racist jokes here , yet you only deleted mine whats up with that?
a lot of racist jokes here made NetherlandsFrop mad, thats why
Nigger,Jew and Gay walked into a bar and The bartender says "Get the fuck out"
gnajda is inactive
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