R.I.P Wes Leonard


only 16years old basketball star
sry never heard of.
Shame on you for the forced commercials on youtube. I'll go elsewhere for my news, thanks.
thombone vor 1 Tag 39

Fuck Youtube and Your ads!
PurpleSausage vor 14 Stunden 29

WTF SAD?!?!?!, ADVERTISEMENTS IN YOUTUBE NOW ALSO?, wow u fkn money hungry ppl
helikobter vor 1 Stunde

skip ads&#65279; >>>>0:01<<<<

vanamutt43 vor 2 Stunden

Can't really see the ads.
Where are the advertisements everybody is talking about?!
cpt obvious told me it's "cbsnews"
ah wait i saw it
it says advertisment/werbung in the lower left corner but theres just a black screen, it says 0:00 on the lower right corner
but still cant see the ads
k, so #care
great talking to you
stopped video at: "all american kid"

insta closed the video when i saw the ad
Where's the video of him collapsing?
rip BUT

who the fuck cares?
milion gedzillion kids die every day
image: Handball_gr

good night, sweet prince
Allah gives life, and he gives the death.

These are signs for us to think about his existence, so pray and guarantee his love for yourself.

just copied the first comment on his youtubelink
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