
dear Anonymouscrossies,

When I try to record a camtrace in one of my demos, I get the following error:
CL_ReadDemoMessage: demoMsglen > MAX_MSGLEN
I got cl_autorecord on 0

help would be appreciated ;)

QuoteThis happens when cl_autorecord is non-zero. Set cl_autorecord to 0
the above messages could also be caused by a corrupt demo file.
had the same problem just
b_beginround stoprecord
Unknown command :s
hmm strange ur general problem is that it tries to record a demo while u want to watch ur demo so its inception a demo within a demo
/b_beginround stoprecord makes that it stops the record at the begin of the round perhaps u missspelled it but it is a command and it works for me with the same problem autorecord 0 but still the errer u have so try again :D
Nope didn't misspell it...
I can watch my demos, but when I type /record or /autorecord I get the error :s
Anyway, thanks for your help, I really appreciated it :)
ah ok u want to record a demo from ur demo ok i dont know if its possible but if u need to to make ur cametracething someone else should know
ok no problem glad to help:D gl
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