some new clothes hehe

Hello, i just ordered some new clothes :))) God i love shopping hehe

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Do you like shopping too? :)))
internet shopping is idd nice.
yes, no need to leave from your pc :)))
inet shopping is fucking expensive for me :/ but i love it :)
and buy a lot of stuff via inet,

hi mana, hi miNd
not always :)
Last time i bought 2 cool g-star jeans for only half price :)
also bought 2 g-star jeans on asos :)
Amon Amarth <3
ugly imo

mass dnm, clinic,rydel house only <3
skejcik, see belou.
dresik ? ; d
hi everyone \o/
injecting caffeine to start the day \o/
I prefer to drive in next town and buy my clothing there. Like Jack&Jones and Bench
yeah jj owns :)
I'm jj vip in my town xD
45 % cheaper at special events
That Amon Amarth shirt is cool. I bought one too but it looks awful, though it was 2 years ago
I do likey it.
I like to shop online because I know what suits me, but in all honesty, I much prefer just taking a train into a city and going a wander around shops, getting a smoothie.. you know, the usual shit you do when shopping D:
you have to go to an other city for that?:(
yep, i live in a small town with no clothes shops or anything
my mom does my shopping for me
can't say you dress fly
you so awesome!!
I actually prefer to go shopping with a friend :) Its moar fun, you know if it fits etc etc
recently ordered:

image: 37518103l

<3 United Kingdom reAliZe

lol i was about to post that as first comment but went outside be4 pressing button XD
cant say you dress fly
pretty epic shirt and hoodie!
That hoodie is nice :))))
Hope to pick some stuff up when I see them soon :>
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