8 of March
8 Mar 2011, 09:06
Happy women's day!
We've been through this nonix, you are a real lifer now stop coming back to crossfire!
you can't stop coming back to crossfire, the same about et - been there, tried that, failed :P
Oh i forgot i have to play et to post journals :)
I didn't say anything about ET :(
So why you say i am "real lifer"
Thank you, thank you.
wooooohoooo =)
Happy womens day!
thank you =)
thank you! oh... wait...
- 15$ :F
hb to me :<
happy birthday to you :)
happy birthday, madmike!
happy birthday professor doktor madi
+1 lol
hb, it'smy birthday too! :)
happy women day to all women and all those who feel like women ;)
LeFrancis wishes women a happy women's day and let you know how much he loves you by offering you a beautiful moustache ring.
screw women, we want pancakes!
happy women s day
who cares?
schnitzelblowjobday > women's day
dzien kobiet?
8th* of march
women on the internet :o ?