slac - need some testers
8 Mar 2011, 20:22
This version does not contain a lot of stuff yet, it's just to see if the client-server system works. If all goes fine, the existing slac features will be moved into new update and it'll be released very soon after that.
What will change with the new update once it is released?
- Hopefully better performance
- Less virus warnings
- Easier support for other games in near future (interest from league admins shown in CS:S, COD, COD2 and COD4)
- Screenshots that don't cause lags
- Better security and more detections
Virustotal scan of the current test version protected with the same software as in previous versions:
How to use?
1) Download
2) Extract to e.g. Desktop\SLAC_TEST\
3) Right click on the extracted SLAC.exe and then click properties
4) In the target (path) add "ET" to the end (i.e. it must end in SLAC.exe ET <additional ET parameters>)
5) Start SLAC.exe
Who has time, please do it and join an ETPro 3.2.6 server without PB and WITHOUT SLAC server addon.. stay a few minutes, and report if there are any problems.
Thank you!
This version does not contain a lot of stuff yet, it's just to see if the client-server system works. If all goes fine, the existing slac features will be moved into new update and it'll be released very soon after that.
What will change with the new update once it is released?
- Hopefully better performance
- Less virus warnings
- Easier support for other games in near future (interest from league admins shown in CS:S, COD, COD2 and COD4)
- Screenshots that don't cause lags
- Better security and more detections
Virustotal scan of the current test version protected with the same software as in previous versions:
How to use?
1) Download
2) Extract to e.g. Desktop\SLAC_TEST\
3) Right click on the extracted SLAC.exe and then click properties
4) In the target (path) add "ET" to the end (i.e. it must end in SLAC.exe ET <additional ET parameters>)
5) Start SLAC.exe
Who has time, please do it and join an ETPro 3.2.6 server without PB and WITHOUT SLAC server addon.. stay a few minutes, and report if there are any problems.
Thank you!
<33 better performance.
thanks in advance =)
nope, nope, bloke
nope, nope, nope , nope, 4 pints
nope, YEP, nope, NOPE, nope, nope, YEP
wat? gay?
good work, keep it up!