Really Dragon Age?

image: 2gso7j5
DA II came out??
some places yes some places no
da 1 i played 100% gay character
Gay for Alistair ? :o)
nah that rogue dude, he got more muscels
Ah, Zevran the Elf ? I let him die, but I didn't really care 'cause I was all over Morrigan :D
Ah, Zevran the Elf ? I let him die, but I didn't really care 'cause I was all over Leliana :D
fuck, thank god im gettin mah new pc tomorrow
Really Keithbert?
played around 30 minutes and its quite...console alike :(
I hope its getting better...
Were you expecting gay innuendo only when you pick a female character? Tsk, tsk.
got the special edition for the price of the normal one, should arrive tomorrow <333
"@dragonage The fan that posts a character with the most likeness to @feliciaday will get $100 towards BioWare Store #dragonage" :)
been there hours ago.
and id recommend not to skill any offensive spells with him as you will later use a stance that will disable you to cast dmg stuff.
Unless you take the stance which disables any healing he does, ofcourse.
looking at the characters you get to that point its rather likely that u use him as a heal.
He has the heal spell but otherwise I'm leveling him as Earth/Air damage.

Sister is already specced into creation and I don't need 2
well my sister is dead from the beginning, guess cause im a mage myself.
im on elemental spec tho

e: did you download the hi-res pack for the game?
No high-res pack.

I'm 2h war. Stupid ginger bitch is tanking but I don't like her. Warden is damage mage with heal and sister is pretty shit tbh. She's specced into creation but heal has a 40s cooldown so she just stands there with huge boobs.
Preordered DA2 and my wife is just translating the subtitles for the czech community since it will not come out with czech language and subtitles. She will be payed with a few thousand Bioware points - so we are save to have the future addons too. :)
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