CL: Arsenal - Barca

Live Stream

Idiom: ES

Barc 3;1 Ars


what a **** refeere fucked up all the game =/
shitty stream. need better please.
referee? k
Massimo Busacca
Shakhtar Donetsk 3-0 AS Roma

arsenal - shots on target: 0 -> blame referee
oh it was a deserved red card?
dont think so
oh it was a deserved own goal?
dont think so
the game was more exciting at 1;1 if u like to see barça rolling 4-0/7-0 watch LA LIGA ._.
i have to agree that game was more exciting at 1-1, but at the end of the day barca will party with hard bears.
hard.. bears... sorry but i just pooped a little
next time let him lower his ego and dont kick the ball, dont blame it on ref, blame it on him.
i think so. check the rules. it was at least VALID decision.
I know that its valid but, how can u hear a PIIIIP around 92.000 ppl screaming?
when an opposing team is in offence, audience is rather quiet. they cheer louder when barsa is attacking.
do you perhaps remember Santin from Kobenhavn? He claimed that he was distracted by Pinto's whistling (sic!) who was standing 50m away from Santin and the audience was cheering for Santin running for 1v1 with keeper. UEFA even penalized Pinto for that. So don't tell me Van Persie couldn't hear a referee that was standing behind him, whistling with a professional tool, while the audience was relatively quiet.
busacca was excellent apart from that totally unnecessary red card
it was VALID. yes, i also thought he was very good, but he had some more flaws than you claim. he should give a card to few more players (eg. alves, abidal) and tone down the players at some moments of the game.
Deserved red card + no shots on goal = no 1/4 for Gunners.
hahaha rofl at mad nerds always trying to blame the refere/whatever instead of shuting the fuck up :DDDDDDDddd owned by the best club in the world actually.
Exacly :) Visca el Barca<33 A por ellos oe, a por ellos oe :)

Tot el camp
es un clam
som la gent Blau Grana
Tan se val d'on venim
Si del sud o del nord
ara estem d'acord
estem d'acord
una bandera ens agermana.
Blau Grana al vent
un crit valent
tenim un nom
el sap tothom

Barça!, Barça!, Baaaarça!!!!

tots unit fem força
son molts d'anys plens d'afanys
son molts gols que hem cridat
i s'ha demostrat
s'ha demostrat
que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer
Blau Grana al vent
un crit valent
tenim un nom
el sap tothom

Barça!, Barça!, Baaaarça!!!!
copypaste chobo :D.d:DD:
no importa :) lo mas importante es que ganaron
loved fabregas' smile when messi scored the pk, pathetic bitch
lol when messi shots after offside = no red card .
fockin team of little girls.. stop masturbeting on them footix.

Come on Man u.
when did he shoot after off-side?
he did shoot after an off-side once, but it was like 1 or 2 seconds after the ref whistled...
Twice he did it, the second time was 3 seconds after he blew. Unlike RVP where it was just under a second and he gets a yellow.

Inconsistency is the key word here.
did you count that mid-air shot? because i didn't

van persie's shot was a lot later than those messi's shots, and i believe the ref gave him the card because he ran with the ball after he whistled, and messi just redirected the ball after the whistle
It was literally about 0.9 secs from the time he blew to RVP kicking the ball, was just shown on split screen :)
ok, that's odd, i suppose i was looking at the side-ref's flag instead of listening to the main ref
In the last minutes. and almunia got it .

I'm sure x)
visca barca
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