
tell me your best blondejokes pls

My favourite is:

A trucker drives on the highway and suddenly a blonde crosses his way with her pink cabrio. She drives so slow and so shitty that he nearly crashes against the next tree, while he tried to overtake her. He decides to follow her to the next parkingplace to teach her a lesson. On the parkingplace he goes to the blonde and screams to her:
"You fucking blonde what the hell were you doing?" He takes out his key and draws a little circle on the ground and tells her: "You bitch step into this circle now and im warning you. If you just take one little step outside of this circle then i will kick your little ass!!!"
He goes to her car and takes his key and scratches her whole car. Then he turns around again and sees the blonde laughing so loud she can. He gets more and more angry. He takes out his knife and stabs into the tires of the car. Then he looks again on the blonde and she laughs and laughs. Louder and Louder. Harder and harder... The trucker cant believe what he sees. He goes to his truck and takes out his baseball bat and demolishes the whole car until its not driveable anymore. Everything seems broken - the frontlights, the windows, the tires..EVERYTHING. He looks again to the blonde and she is laughing as hard as possible. She is already crying because of her laughter. The Trucker cant believe it. He goes to her and screams:" WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING YOU BITCH?" and she answers: "HAHA... everytime you turned your back to me, i steped out of the circle."

what a stupid joke, some hollywood director must've made it up.
where was the joke now?
cool joke bro :D
and thats your FAVORITE blonde joke?

tell me a better one
crashes against the next tree

crashes against the next

crashes against the

crashes against

crashes against
crashes against[/q]


yea sorry, sometimes my pc starts to write the letters turned 180% :/
sounds like cool excuse bro :p
hehe, actnally !t,s uo excnse :/
haha :D
just for your info, its not upside down, but turned about 180% degrees. upside down would be b/p or d/q ;)
droplew off!cer?
what ironic said
why so do turks always have red eyes after having had sex?
because of the pepperspray
so what?? raping people is fun :S !
Not my favourite but the only one I know so...
A blonde is walking on the pavement when she sees another blonde on the opposite. She says : "Hey you! How have you managed to get on the other side" The other blonde answers : "Eheheh I was about to ask you the same question"
sry lefrancis, that was weak. when u don't know good jokes, then just don't tell any!
never said it's a good joke
just a tip for your real life ;)
how can this not be your favourite if it's the only one you know?
because I don't even slightly smile when I hear it :{S
but if you don't know any other joke, then this is the best you know, which makes it your favourite.
How do you keep a blonde busy for hours?

Scroll Down. --->

<----- Scroll Up.
haha nice 1
When I had finished reading that joke an awkward silence came up.
not amused.
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