ET Public Server ::: reddit ET Public Server join asap !!!!!!!!!!! nopb=slac

[img]http://cache.[url][/img][/url] :::
wtf :D
Rehearsal has removed you from his buddylist !

maka me the sad
I spoke with the admin to try and get SLAC installed but he says he won't until lunix support arrives.

The redditors are cool people though :)
what mode runs?
haha nice :D
what is reddit :P ?
Discovered 2 days ago.
Looks like a less retarded 4chan.
4chans crap goes on reddit and the fun gets filtered out.
its a new-age type thing. everybody wants to be all memefag so they scan reddit for harmless stuff while they miss out on the actual conent that is 4chan.

--> reddit is yesterdays 4chan filtered so that babies can have fun with it.
lol, its kind of obvious that the "new stuff" gets done on reddit and it then moves on 4chan and other places. Maybe you should browse their site a bit.

Or did I understand you wrong?
reddit is about rating stuff that was created elsewhere.
you are as wrong as it gets.
:D Well, I browse both Reddit and 4chan. On Reddit I see new stuff daily and yeah, they also take stuff from elsewhere.

4chan is about recycling old shit-jokes and making really inbred memes which only the ones browsing the said board would understand. Most threads dont even have actual content, theyjust are plain shit and reading them feels like my brain is literally melting. I mean who the fuck can read /b/ without feeling a complete jackass? Havent done it in years.
sorry but 4chan isnt thought for people who wonna send their friends lolpics on facebook.
now go back to ur fail

and before you rage:
4chan makes me want to puke.
reddit makes me want to logoff from facebook.

decide what u like best but dont go around telling people that reddit creates original content. reddit is for rating, digg is for sharing, 4chan is a bag full of sick.
Nice comeback hitler
Why would I rage? Only emotion Im having here is amusement and its because of your elitist attitude :D
Why dont you run around in mob, call yourself hipster and try to do everything that gets enough attention in social media and then call original fans of that thing elitists?
oh wait...
no slac = kick ?
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