counterstrike source cfg


I searched google for this problem, but couldn't really find a solution, so maybe someone in here knows what to do!

I installed Steam and CS:S again and when I join a server I can't change my name, crosshairscale or whatever... When I download an autoexec.cfg from the interwebz, it just doesn't open..

When I change my name in the config.cfg itself, it stays the same as it was... Pretty frustrating, cause I just want to adjust some settings.

If anyone of you got a good cfg and knows how to exec it, don't hesitate and PM me in here or just paste a link or whatever!!! Would be great!!!

Thx for your time!
u sure you put the config in your cstrike/cfg folder ?
yes I'm sure!
maybe your config is set on read-only ?
Well, the binds do work (buying stuff) but the rest is really bullshit :E

I hate things that don't work the way they suppose to work :(
just play et!
I found out how to change my name, djeez, what a way...
ga et spelen jij
I haven't play CSS for a while now, but last time I played your name was what your steam name was so that's how you had to change your name a couple of months ago :P
ehe downloading again :PP
CS:S wants you to play ET active again I guess
ga et spelen jij
you can't change your name anymore. the name ingame is alway your steam friends nick.

put an autoexec.cfg in your cfg folder an execute "exec autoexec" in the console. that should normally work.

e: they changed the crosshair setting in the last big update, so maybe youre using a mix of the old and the new one
Hmm yea, cl_crosshairsize works now, but still strange u can't change ur name in console...

The game is good though :)
here is your new crosshair:

cl_crosshaircolor "4"
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
cl_scalecrosshair "0"
cl_crosshairscale "1200"
cl_crosshairalpha "200"
cl_crosshairusealpha "0"
cl_crosshairsize "1"
cl_crosshairthickness "2"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
cl_legacy_crosshair_recoil "0"
cl_legacy_crosshair_scale "0"
gonna try it slaj, thx!
if you increase cl_crosshairthickness and decrease cl_crosshairscale you can get a diamonddot crosshair, bit big for my screenresolution though.
u can get it as small as the ET dot when using cl_crosshairscale (see my below comment on how to get it to work), also with playing around with the RGB colors and crosshairalpha you could in theory make it a white/black dot, whatever suits you the most. I tend to have issues seeing my crosshair on CS:S due to its transparency and very bright colors on some maps.
you can change change ur nick, but you have to do it through steam unless you play on a nosteam server.
cg_crosshairsize [x] now, scale doesnt exist (2 or 3 is best imo) and to change name you gotta press esc and go into options multiplayer and type it, cant just /name nigger

they fucked it up when they made it casualmode with achievements & gamerscore etc
sure, there is a crosshair scale, but don't know the name
cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 1

to get cl_crosshairscale back.
will try it later, though i get pretty much the same as i used to have using size anyway
haha css noob go play et
only newbs without pubic hair play css

1.6 ftw
cs and css is rage game for me. i cant even play them because of the rage haha :D
ingame -> press shift+tab (?) then go to settings and change your nickname through the windows there.
what a shitty way to change ur name, lol... :E:E:E
you just say that because you think its hard! :D

but tbh, i think that the steam implementation ingame is pretty cool.
so while youre waiting to respawn you can surf with the steam browser etc.
It's not hard at all, but opening console and write ur new name is easier. I always minimize to windows to browse internet or chat on msn while playing css.

But I don't really have a choice, so I gotta live with it :P
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