IRC, cant connect

i try the regedit -> Hkey_current_user -> software -> mIRC -> delete the folder : LastRun -> enjoy. but nothing happend , still the shit EXIT button ffs -.-

Anyone got that problem too ? and maybe know how to fix it ?

regedit -> Hkey_current_user -> software -> mIRC -> delete the folder : LastRun -> enjoy
delete whole mIRC folder from the registry
did it also :-((
regedit -> Hkey_current_user -> software -> mIRC -> delete the folder : LastRun -> enjoy
well i registered it by putting a file into the folder
shit happens sometimes but usually comes back to normal after a while....
I thought like you and i used web irc for like a month then i tried and it worked :))
why use irc when no one wants to play with you? :D!
change the date for second : D
30 dollars or gtfo?

use freeware irc clients if you're a hobo.
don't need you.
start again and again then u can continue
deleting lastrun didnt work for me aswell, instead change the value to 9999999999,0
impossible to fix, you're fucked
avi for hard gaming /q
Try again tomorrow np ))
close mIRC before deleting the folder in the registry,then delete it,restart mIRC,profit

u got somewhere a SECOND Folder with the lastrun

so u need to look for another folder with this file, and delete that one too
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