screw this day

today something horrible happened

i went to school to do a re-examination.
i studied a lot so i felt quiet confident about a test for a change.

but on my way to school, i got robbed, some black guy put a knife against my throat and asked me for my wallet, so i gave it.

but thats not it, when i joined the classroom to do the exam, they asked for identification(normal procedure), i couldnt proof i was me, so they didnt let me do the test. i told them about how i got robbed but they didnt give a shite.

now i failed my study, i dont have a chance to redo the exam.
nigga stole ur wallet :(
Quotei got robbed

Quotesome black guy


image: 2a9wocg
reminds me of nonix
check some japanesse live streams, shud make u feel better :XD
We got a horrible snowstorm here, ~20cm of snow since night and it just keeps on snowing :(

EDIT: Besides, you werent really robbed, just crawing for some attention.
Im not looking for compassion
i dont even know why i made this journal
i do feel sorry for you. :(
if youre no troll, then its sad :(
i think you should take a lawyer in this case! maybe he can do something and you can redo your exam.
always carry a watermelon with you

but seriously: when robbed, give money, not the wallet
Actually full on lol'd :D
like he would settle on a deal with his knife against your throat.
not impossible, potential killers most likely dont resort to petty mugging :)
tsunami in japan + other countries > u getting robbed by black guy + failing in exam
Always someone worse off, doesn't stop life from being a bit shitty some days though.
The art of toning down can be useful but you shouldn't overdo it.

"My parents just died in a car accident."
"Well, I'm sure there are many more people who's parents died this week, cheer up!"
didnt wanted to mean like that :<

i am feeling sry for both - japanese catastrophe and this guy
today something horrible happened

Rotterdam? :D
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what s the reason u emo face?
looks pretty much like you used some racist words to me
i can t see your comment here....strange
i m looking at some guys posting kanker niggers...but that is ok posting
i m called everyday gypsy but nobody delete those nerds comemnts
u must be one of frop friends and of course this is how things work
i already got same problem when i had issue with potty,this time of course ross was the boss.
seems like the rules apply only for those who don t have special relations with admins
sorry if i ever offended u
tried pressing Report instead of crying into your cornflakes?
ross or whoever the hell was,i can t remember,even revoked my report right ,that s how many times i used it.and crying is not one of my jobs.i ussually broke other ppl hearts not the other way around
oh ok you just reported every comment potty made in a terrible flame war not really the way you told it is it
i reported him when he was using word gypsy.not all the comments he made...some1 is giving u false hints
sorry did not knew u are admin too.don t go that hard,can t know all people what they are and i don t even want to.point is i m quite sure i only reported the gypsy or other racist comments.but anyway is past ,me and potty made peace,as much as i concern,i would gladly see people acting smart and kind rather than trying to flame with the old same old crap

i would google a "dont feed the trolls" picture as advice but i have a bit of a hangover so i shan't
hehe,first thing u right on! :)
ahw c'mon, i was just havin some fun :(
racism is NEVER fun unless youre in a football factory film
its not like i was lying! its his own fault tbh, he's the one who keeps replying on me ;p
your luck i don t have money nor time to come to a lan.i would teach u some maniers
sure u would :)
bet your ass i would.and i would have fun doing it
please tell, how would you teach me some "maniers" then?
where do u wanna end up with this ? go do your homeworks!
that reply just absolutely made no sense at all
because u can only spell a,b,c what comes after c ,is already to hard for your brain.that s why i told u to make your homeworks,it helps much more than stalking me
yes, you're absolutely right Ronald
i can afford to go to lans so lets begin:

open doors for women
lift your 'pinky' when drinking tea
I open doors for women! And I dont drink tea :x
well i can clearly see you've been to a lan before
I have! CiC7 and AEF :o]
yes i think we spoke across some rows of computers actually
yeah, cuz you needed to play on our pc's :_D You told us to get the fuck off I believe hehe
: D man

i have no maniers when ive been drinking profuse apologies

original internet softie
nah, I get it. Think we were all a bit 'frustrated' that the CoD4 got all the pc's just to fuck around, eventho they only needed like 20 to play the LAN matches. At the end of the tournament I mean ofc
yeah made you feel like a second class citizen didn't it :!

cod4 over et?? NOT IN MY NAME
the screaming was annoying aswell, and it was hot as hell inside the lancenter too :p But still, AEF was pretty awesome for me
i didn't enjoy antwerp our hotel tried to steal our bags and ransom them back for 400 euros

on sunday the only food we could get for breakfast was a bag of lays from douille (THANKS DOUILLE) luckily it was a big bag so we didn't starve totally to death

i offered a cleaning lady 20 euros for a snack from the place she was cleaning and she said no :D

oh and we all died twice on the drive home cause we were chasing evo at 3/400kph on a strip of belgian motorway that was surfaced with ice and oil rather than tarmac, then razbo fell asleep on the motorway in england!

i made one funny joke in the eurotunnel though and everyone giggled so i guess it balanced out
Haha ;o) Yeah, Xo told me about that hotel issue, fucking belgians always fuck up :[
oo come on frop he was just havin some fun :(

image: okd0es
why u replying to me if u want to tell Frop smtn?
what really upsets me is frop gets ALL the credit for everything :<
Haha, want me to make a journal that u just deleted 3 comments of mine? Ill add some flame aswell!
cause he is participating silently on this ....conversation(would not call it that though)

and i have a question too:why are u stalking me on any post i make on this beautiful site?is just me or u are trying to piss me off just to show the big guys how cool u are?
pretty much yeah
oo i got it.well i m always into helping people , so ok.i let u flame me!
my flame will get unblinded, so its pretty much useless
than for now,i win!
come on ironic let me give u smt to think about much time u loose here posting flames?did ever crossed your mind u can also talk something more...educative with people here ?oo what s the matter , u only like to play the comediant part?
I love to play the comedian! And most of the time, Im not really serious, unless Im@school or at work ;)
why u don t try becoming an actor?maybe u can be the next ace ventura
Yeh, I concidered that but I came to the conclusion that the chances of becoming a succesfull actor are rather small :[
never give up on your dreams
Thanks for the heads up mate!
u like me, don t u?
Very much, yes
hater, my comment wasnt racist...being a realist :(
cancer has human rights too !
Fo real? This better be a troll, but since ur not on xfire, must be true :[
feel sorry for u man.
feeling sorry for u too, theres no chance they let you take another shot, if you report it to the police, gather some witnesses (if there are any) who can testify that you've been robbed?
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