Alone in Barca

So iam alone in barca today since my gf had to work today and tomorrow till 23:00.
So wtf can i do here ?!

Already did:

Parc de Guelle
Nou Camp Experience
some shit museums
Burger King


ps. The lost match of arsenal was wonderful tbh... xDDD
Get some coke and payperview some italien pr0n
fap furiously until 23
Tried it yesterday, got bandage around it now, k thx
that's what the coke's for, it'll numb the pain ":D"
Listen to Kanye West-Graduation and College Dropout he entire day, like me :)
come to my house? we play et:))

go have a walk on the beach, weather is chilled
what's the weather ??

otherwise go to the beach :)
its chilled, too cold to swim and stuff but perfect for a walk. its like 15 degrees
Chill out with some tapas & wine in some small place.
You can leave this shit town and come to le MarseilleMarseille.
you forgot adding "le" in your sentence
Where are u exactly?

u can come party tonight with me n moar ppl ;D
I am near metro station Jaume I at the moment, in an appartement she hired.
Tonight we will probably go to Opium or some other place, dont know yet.
meh..Opium is not rly that good, until summer ;D

Better go to any pub on Balmes street or Marina street.
Well, they work at Hotel Arts in barcelona (what the fuck, been there, done that.. :D ) so they can enter for free, but dont know any pubs on Balmes Street or Marina Street though.

Where are you somewhere then ?
been there done that

go to sotavento or what ever this one is called and the other one's name i dont remember :DD
went to sotavento drunk .. instant win :)))
or sutton or whatever you call it OMGGGGGGG so many hawt girls :D
Saw that club, but didn't went in yet... :-)
it's pretty expensive :P but whatever was enough drunk

have fun :) CDLC should also be good but choco was very boring when i were there
Go to the Sea World thing at the end of Ramblas
been there and met milos krasic last year..he wore cloths like a bum but had like a 25000$ rolex :D
Harbor, Ghotic church, Go to Montjuic !
Port Vell, gotic church, already been there also, forgot to mention it !

Montjuic will be something for the beginning of may, cause then the fountains will be open and shit... although that's what they told me here !
Aquarium ofc
Had that last month... had a mad security guard on my ass for making pictures with flash on :{D
Barcelona is a nice city:D i was going to tell you Parc de Guelle but you already did that so ill just say hf there!
le predera is nice... just the roof is fun!
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