CPU on 100% due to ET?

mate of mine got old pentium4 and whenever he runs ET its on 100% usage.
i know the hardware is shit and all that but it should not be 100%.
any ideas?
I think that his CPU usage is on 100% !?
Buy a new one.
I might be totally wrong but if there is nothing other running there is no problem with ET using 100% of the cpu? I have a dual core and on an empty server ET takes 50%, that might be a coincidence but probably its not a problem afterall?
same here
set priority to low ??
as long as the cpu doesnt start burning ,who cares ?
Odd, ET should just use 50% even on single cores..

Tell your friend to download process explorer and minimize the game and see if there are high interupts or DPC's.
Ok but that's totally cpu dependent or not? I can't remember that my AMD 3000+ used 100% .. Been a while tho.
50% single core, 50% multi core?
Looks like you got no clue what you're talking about.
No, just NO!
Nice retard logic.
I just know what I'm talking about. Your program isn't worth a damn thing.
Just admit it...
1. Et doesn't use 2 cores that's why your logic is flawed.

2. The program's is used to see if there's anything else causing the high cpu usage besides ET. Unlike the task manager you can see the process tree's, interrupts and DPC's. That way you can narrow things down and actually find whatever is causing the high cpu usage.

Now stop talking out of your ass like you know shit about this kind of stuff, thank you.
I doubt you'd even want to argue with me about IT-related business..
You're right, I absolutely wouldn't.
same here
pentium 4 2.80ghz
100% usage
Dual core 2.4 ghz, 100% usage. Gives annoying FPS drops =/
it is normal!
Because it's a P4 and mine was running at 100% as well so..
Pentium D 3.00GHz (dual core)
Usage CPU: 50~52%
r_mode 4
Usage Memory: ET.exe....224.064KB
com_hunkmegs "256"
same here :[
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