kreaturen eSports mad

Getting rolled by turbos and whining like little monkeys in chat. U mad little hitlers?

In 19.30 news, Olden disconnected and now tA's going to lose

Quote by |K| mAuricesuch a shit...
e: obvious case of good name ruined by random lu.
no wrong be hitlere but whines is noob gtfo kreaturne
kreaturen doesnt play anymore since a long time
little hitlers:D
you weren't harsh this time :[
i change ::P:P
Randomers disgracing kreaturen
you know we all are nazis, or little hitlers, right here in germany and have even statues in every big city of hitler... :S
ye i was very mad, problem?
you know we all are nazis, or little hitlers, right here in germany and have even statues in every big city of hitler... :S

Izi for them

[17:38] KREA|mAurice: Lineup?
[17:38] crittie: me, sukka , naamis

Cool story bro

E: your quote is wrong that wasnt our tag ..
Does a bit worse opponent change your attitude towards the match? You weak little shit.
E: why you post this on Crossfire ? You need Attention ?
Ok Cya if you are famous little mongol ;)
and since when do U hate me ? in irc and @ the 2on2 offi we were normal writing i see you got no own opinion... sad thing
i just say you're mad, i dont hate on you, i hate on justin bieber only
Im mad because no one gets that it is our MGC they want that we play with that name ..
and im mad because they gave us the wrong Lineup on iRC...
Finland what did you expect ?
uve pmmed me but i didnt read it what did you wrote ?
winning spree incoming ?
won5, lost1, won 4
bunch of losers :)
fi sssslrt Friday, 11th March 2011 19:08
Kreaturen :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D

They were just too mindblown by ur comment :D
fi sssslrt Friday, 11th March 2011 19:08
Kreaturen :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D
frop should do his work here too..
He shouldn't.

Quotefi sssslrt Friday, 11th March 2011 19:08
Kreaturen :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D
and i liked you h4h4
you name yourself Kreaturen, and you wonder about that flame? pls.

get your own name.
+1 there is nothing to add
sry aber da muss ich den den jungs echt mal beistehen, wenn die nunmal den support von Kreaturen eSports mögen, warum sollten sie dann um den name caren? also im ernst das ist ja wohl nicht deren absicht gewesen^^
1. gibt es das verb caren nicht, und man kann das auch nicht eindeutschen, weil es sich, jetz pass auf, retarded anhört.

2. ist es trotzdem blöd sich so zu nennen, weil es das team halt schon gab. man kann sich ja umnennen.

3. ging es mir hauptsächlich um das verb caren
meinst du wir haben dem Clanchef nix davon gesagt? der hat nicht mal was von den dutchies gehört und siehts nicht ein sich deswegen umzubennen von daher..
kehrt vor eurer eigenen tür
[ger]steht irgendwo geschrieben das ihr euch so nennen müsst als spieler? so lang dies nicht gegeben is könnt ihr als spieler nen tag nehmen wie ihr wollt. ihr seid zu nix verpflichtet. ihr habt weder einen vertrag noch sonst was unterschrieben. also gilt bei euch die freie geistige entscheidung wie ihr euch nennt aber wenn es euer wille ist euch so zu nennen isses eure sache[/ger]
1. care ich vor meiner eigenen tür

2. siehe 3. meines zuvor geschriebenen
vielleicht hatte stray einfach nen mega typo und wollte eignetlich 'kehren' schreiben.
[de]junge sied ihr alle behindert oder was das ist ein fucking mgc wo wir gejoint sind wenn man keine ahnung hat vllt einfahc mal die fresse halten[/de]
dont know why maurice still dares to show his face in ET scene =DDDDDDDD
why all mad bros??
if turbot used Squall, why you didn't use |K| Lun4t1C, |K| teKoa or |K| M1lk ?

made me smile :)
cuz squall > any of them
or |K| Night, |K| gAz3tA and |K| d0zer :S
Do they also use the old tags?
after watching the replay. my opinion is :

predi - haha, lost even when knowing EVERYTHING. go watch goldrush.... no aim or brain is hard :( i laughed quite a lot.
stop hating im serious :'<
if you don't want people to flame (+ spec) you try not to steal one of the most well known clan names in Wolfenstein history :D
dude do you get it you fucking ugly cunt with a fat brother ?!
kreaturen was created by Germanyrdy my brother is member there and they were searching for a fucking enemy territory team -> We joined !
I told him that there was allready a ET team that was called KREATUREN he said: I dont care and if anyone got a problem tell them to contact me so, contact him on our homepage
And now stop hating you dump kid
if you got something to say about my brother then msg him yourself, I don't care what you insult him with :D

also you can't call me ugly when a) you are a german teenager and b) you are addicted to ET & the internet in general, must be hard times to find a girlfriend for you.

now stop trying to insult people about being "dump" and go make some more rap songs about ET, fucking nerd.
1) Never rapped about ET :D
2) Got a fucking Hot Girlfriend since nearly 3 Years now (dont ask about a pic ;) )
3)Obviously you are the one whos addicted to the internet since ur 24/7 online
actually im barely ever online and this last 3 days is the first time ive been on my PC since 12th february, before that i was using a netbook when i had time away from rl :) get your facts straight |K| mAus
I dont care at all since this game is full of shit
Krea fakers
And footballplayer faker
Azzooooooooorr :DDDDDDDDDD
Quote by |K| mAuricegtfo :=) KREATUREN since 2001
fucking hitlerfucks, wnb kreaturen, fucking dickfaces
|K| 2good4u
Toilettenpapiermarken faker :X
may we find the patience to forgive the lows for tarnishing a good name
pls... ruining this name :D

also the mAu name.. ^^
other stuff: esl & cb still baning for demos/.avi?
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