Gr8 new CSS movie by Clayman!

The last CS:S movie from clayman,

nice frags, nice editing, top movie :!!: must be seen

white box
or not
wrong link?
ye, just finished watching, kinda cool but i prefer the other one he made.. sick moviemaker!
nobody can top sYnced 2!
Wow, another fake fragmovie!
fake fragmovie?
quite common in css.
frags vs bots and so on :P
thought they were just retarded hax frags tbh :(
some are, no doubt :D
i seen people do stuff like this live alot so dont think its fake.
the players in clayman's movies are equivalent to random active medskillers in ET :} if you saw them aiming like mAus in a 5man frag you'd be a little suspicious.

(random members of the css community basically)

e: didn't see anything suspicious in this one but I've seen a few in his other movies.
o id definitely agree with you in Incorporated 2. That movie is just a community css movie and because they are just randoms doing stuff like that its like ...
The High CSS player movies have the same frags but you know they can actualy do them.

although saying that, look back on your entire ET career and i bet youve done atleast 1 insane frag spree. You would just need to find it and send it in for the movie. like 4/5/6 years of playing a game you just need 1 clip, even if it was pure luck i bet everyone has something insane to send in. + its not even 1 clip per person. Thats like 1 insane clip per 50 people or some shit lol.
Clayman got busted by using fake frags in his most succesful movie "Incorporated 2". Still it was and is most succesful movie that is easily top tier in CSS fragmovies history.

Maybe you now understand what I was implying:D
jeah that movie made me think like else css pros are just stupid or that game is too easy :P like 3-4 man lining up every time and barly shoot back

still enjoyed it alot ..just a good movie
fake fragmovie? AHAH pls
it's against bots u mongoloid
pls retardie, where u see bots

nice frags
music didint fit
nice movie. Danish Dynamite best intro for any movie in any game check that out.
what is better?cs or et?
lol Gali pls, CSS its one of the best boreds games in the world, when u play wars, need still in the same position 2 mins, for later, attack in the last seconds, however, in et is all time shooting, can plant/defuse 300 times in one war, revive teamates, airstrikes, much more gameplay

pd: soz for my engrish, i dont use translate this time xd
on 9/11/01 many US citizens were killed in the terrorist attack of the world trade centers. on 3/10/11, many japanese people were killed in a tsunami. if you add the dates you get 12/21/12 WERE ALL GUNNA DIE give me atleast one thumbed up comment before i die ? =/

gotta love jewtube
wtf what a coincidinc
nice bots frags in the winter map
Slife 2 > *
tbh I enjoyed his older vids much more, prolly the even worse music killed it for me :s
80% of this movie are played by top/subtops CSS players. There's probably no bots in this movie, for sure. As you can see, there's players from ALTERNATE, VeryGames and co...

But, guys on the "winter map" must be bots, for sure. haha :)
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