im mad!
13 Mar 2011, 14:37
Im pretty mad atm :(
Me and mate would get together today to make a project today for school that we have to hand in tommorow, else we're not allowed to participate in the exam next week.
He would be here around 12:30. I woke up a bit early to already make a start. He still wasnt at my place at 13:00, so I texted him if he still planned on coming. He replied: Im still in bed, Ill be at ur place at 14:30.
He just came on msn, sayin he's goin to leave to my place now. But I already did all the work -_- I still hand it in sayin we made it together, else he will fail this year, and I dont want that to happen aswell.
But its not the first time he pulls smtn like this off, any ideas on how to handle this besides physically hurting him? ;[
Me and mate would get together today to make a project today for school that we have to hand in tommorow, else we're not allowed to participate in the exam next week.
He would be here around 12:30. I woke up a bit early to already make a start. He still wasnt at my place at 13:00, so I texted him if he still planned on coming. He replied: Im still in bed, Ill be at ur place at 14:30.
He just came on msn, sayin he's goin to leave to my place now. But I already did all the work -_- I still hand it in sayin we made it together, else he will fail this year, and I dont want that to happen aswell.
But its not the first time he pulls smtn like this off, any ideas on how to handle this besides physically hurting him? ;[
for group courseworks at my uni we often have to say how much effort each person put in and which parts of the assignment they focused on. That way if people are ill/lazy/stupid etc... you have a way of explaining things and still getting good marks.
i never had it like that at uni but sometimes people would rather hand group work in which is not as good just because they cba to spend more time on it. If you cba to work then fuck out lol were spending £30,000 odd to be here for 3 years. Im not waseting it.
system is fucked that other people decide your fate at university not yourself. Although if you are in a group with clever people that work very hard they pull your mark way up lol :DDD.
its why getting a 1st at university is so dam hard. Its always the group work that will stop you getting a first. Its never marked as high as individual work for me.
you need to be cut throat with these people!!!
theres always a guy who will float through everything letting other people do the work for them and bullshitting the whole time, putting up with their shit is good practice for working life
40 % + = graduate lol even though it is a 3rd degree you still pass.
When me and my buttbuddies at school share intel between each other we usually agree about a bear or two. Coffee will also do for smaller tasks.