Dragon Age 2 is so shit

Ok maybe not shit but more of a hack'n'slash than rpg...

What made me mad is this fuckin save bug[cant save] ... any ideas how to deal with it?
fuck u, loved it
perfect game for braindead fun... just like diablo...
stop playing it on casual and get into the story u homo
gettin into story when the gameplay is easy is more casualish tbh... just like me2 - epic story but easy game
Oo hitsum8
savebug? :o

Well, i just finished it and i can say its fucking awesome and epic.

Its only a hack'n'slash if you play on easymode :-)
how many hours did u played?
around 40 hours
ok :) I hope wizards > templars in the end
apparently there is a save bug when u have singlecore cpu... cant save and game crashes after flemenths intervention

and doubt its not any less hns after... skills got so buffed, just stun and smash...

i like what they did with twohanded weapons tho
na u have to look out when u use area skills @hard cause u can hit ur teammates.. still hns but far less
looks so boring :S
it might look boring but once u get into it its cool :P
going to play it tomorrow. Trailers look very promising.
i love it.. true way more actionmode then part one but still great . epic story telling and charaters
Since you bought the game, for a game developer it means you liked the game. Your opinion after you bought it doesn't mean shit. Consequently, expect each next bioware game to be even more shittier and dumbed down, cause even though such game is in every way crap compared to every predecesor, it manages to be sold to even larger amount of morons.

It's really that simple.
but its not like its shit lol
i didnt buy it... not gonna waste ma money on some shit game :-)
don't Pirate it then :D
It's good. It may not be as good as the first one, but it's still epic.
cba to play these new shit rpgs
bg, torment all the way.
guess people have never heard of AP (Anti-Pirating code) :D
got nothing to do with piracy, please su, ur dumb
Point proven :D

I am doing a education for programming so please SU i know how it works
then please explain me why BW released beta 1.01 patch, just to fix thier ap code? CAUSE IT WAS FUCKIG BUGGED NO MATTER IF U HAVE LEGAL VERSION OR NOT...

who the fuck are u anyway kanker dumb dickless mongol?
Because even BW can fuck up :D

Und ik ben deine ergste nightmare Kurwajung (yeah im multi lingual too ass)

But yeah till you start learning Programming language please stop trying to tell me how everything works but alas they don't teach that in freshman of secondary school
u didnt even see DA2 code and ur acting like fuckin bill gates here... as i said: su, ur dumb
Don't need to see the code to know how AP works dumbass. -.- seriously stop being so fresh freshman.

btw: u just stated BW fucked up something that isnt core number relative
It seems you don't have any Idea how coding works so please stfu
i use logic, no need to have any knowledge about topic...

there is only one version for PC, no single core and multi core versions... so we have to assume there is one version of AP u talk about... but yet the multi core users dont have any troubles...

ergo: UR DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB... arnt u overdrive? he was kinda similar dumbness
AP can work for diffrent cores -.- its all about Coding if they eff up the code for one core then NO SHIT SHERLOCK IT AIN'T GONNA WORK look at it this way

Realy basic non existing code just to show you how it works

If PS is broken core=1; AP=1 + some where later core=2+; AP =1
while it should be for a normal realease
PS is not broken Core=1; AP=0 + Somewhere later Core=2; AP =0

They have it programed somewhere
PS is not broken Core=1; AP=1 + Somewhere later Core=2; AP =0

(PS stands for Piratey Security)
and yes this is possible, please keep in mind that I have made it simple for simple minds like you to understand
u should work for BW... ur such a great guy! greater than fuckin bill gates... even if ur WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG
Fine come with a programing example how it went then fucking smartass
i dont study programing, how am i supposed to know? :0

ur the fuckin next bill gates.... will u name ur company DUMBSOFT?
exactly if you don't study it how the fuck can you know how it works -.- dumb ass stop failing at trolling u just pissed cause ur crack didn't work how you wanted it to
my crack is always top class... ask any junky u want
pff you can't even have a normal convosation with someone guess that Zyklon B is stuck in your head
i got bored of this talk after ur me programer me awesome, even if all u can prolly code calc in pascal
Wow old school pro with ur pascal, I learnt programming with BASIC since i was a little kid
screw it, wait for Risen 2
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