New Tracks! .. Feedbaq needED

i've three new tunes for your audible enjoyment.

check'm out here:

fresh choons

image: Roselyn_Sanchez_Thong
Is it true what they say about you, Kuraigu?
that i'm after your girl margo ??
ye man, that's true ..

if it's that what you mean.

Are you delusional?
am i what??? :o
Who the fuck is margo? :D
aren't you the majesty having some stuff going on with a woman playing et, from pl?
probably not :d
how may majesty's are there which are et players?
dunno if this majesty plays et, i know he spams cf a lot =d
he is yes. but idk if her name is margo though.
well i know her real name .. ;)
that bitch on the picture obviously has a dick and lives in thailand
it's all about her fuckin butt you fuckin retarded fag ..


Roselyn Sánchez (born Roselyn Sánchez Rodríguez; April 2, 1973) is a Puerto Rican singer-songwriter, model, actress, producer and writer of film and television.
doesnt work ?!
don't get it. what can't you see? :d

(link: www . go4celebrity . com/wallpapers/Roselyn-Sanchez/Roselyn-Sanchez-035.jpg )
Fehler: Netzwerk-Zeitüberschreitung

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in time.
All I gotta say after hearing the 3 new ones is that you need to work on your EQ tons. I don't know if you're familiar with it (hopefully you are), but the hihat sound is really annoying. Overall the complete drum set lacks equalization, sounds really flat. Snare needs a fucking lot of compression.

+'s: Surfer's guitar, awesome sound. Sunset's rhythm, nicely done. Should had been to the end though.

Sorry if my comment lacks order, but just throwing things out there as I hear them.
may you want to tell me what your audio system is?
as i don't think my sounds lack equalization. besides that, they are comp'd. eq'd and all that.

it might be that our soundsystems differ. you're the first telling me that my sound might
lack in the mids ..

and thanks for the feedback :) .. sunset boulevard will be continued to a full dubstep song.
the other 2 aswell.. they were more jingles/intros.
My home audio system includes the Yamaha HSM80's, but those are not the ones I'm hearing your music from. I'm actually at uni listening to it with the Genelec's 8050A. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying its lacking mids, it's actually lacking the rest :D. Not a lot though, just a few +dB on the lows and it might change what I'm hearing.

And thank you for showing me your work. After hearing it I might upload some of mine and ask you for some feedback as well. Good fucking work!

Hmmm, don't know if the genre you're actually aiming for is what I heard. Maybe I'm too used to mixing in different settings and that's why I'm trying to tell you what I think from the genres I've worked with.
oh ok. i thought it would lack the mids ;) about the lows. i've changed that abit becuz
my HzO Mystery made it onto a vinyl. and the studio which has mastered my raw song
fucked up my sub somehow. the sub is like missing. since then i'm trying to use freqs from
80-120 instead of 50-100. and about maybe some more dB. i'm using a good headphone.
as long as it's vibrating in there, it should be good for big pa's ;)

no problem. if you check a tab next to spotlight you'll find the other songs :)

and ye, i'll have a listen to your work ofcourse if you want to.
which genres are you working with?
As of right now I'm working with a lot of latin music: Salsa, Merengue, Mariachis. It doesn't deal that much with equalization, but more balance and pan stuff.
ah ok.. so more acoustic and wamrth instead of digital and equalization :)
nice styles, tho <3
Don't get me wrong, I love dem subs. It's just part of the learning process of my uni to work with genres from our part of the world :D
well, that's a good way to learn it :) .. so you're studying music / audio ??
where're you from?
Music Production and Theory :) Columbia
What software do you use? I'd like to mix em up, PT8 for mixing & editing, Logic and Reason for the rest....
nice study topic!!

with mixing you mean mastering/mixing the channels?

i use renoise / reason
"feedbaq" .. bis du komplett schwul du knuddelsjimpanse (no homo)
"feedbaq" .. bis du komplett schwul du knuddelsjimpanse (no homo)
cool music, been playing in the background while doing stuff, really blends into the mood. bit stoned.

I especiall like this: Nuclear Alien Device

It's really timely.
thanks, glad you like'm mate ;)
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