Apple iPhone vs Others

Today I have quarreled with my classmate, that which phone is better. For me, clearly won WildFire HTC HD. And what about you?

What do you preffer?
iOs vs Others.

Thanks ;)
That's a really interesting subject, please tell me more.
It's not interesting at all.
I beg to differ, discussing which useless trinket is better than the other is an important part of life.
dunno i only have iphone
I'd preffffer the iPhone if I had the money. But now I guess I will buy the Samsung Galaxy.
then you have better technical features for less money ;)
Yeah but as I'm using a Mac the syncronisation of the iPhone would be way better :)
someone kill apple retards ffs
HTC WildFire HD is best phone of year 2010, Samsung Galaxy S is 2nd ...
Love my iPhone 4 but am going to grab a Samsung Galaxy S 2 when it comes out, time for a change plus I don't need 2 iOS devices.
webOS > aLL

Too bad the app store is pretty tiny compared to Android and iOS :-[
wth is a htc wildfire hd? i only know htc wildfire

HTC Desire HD > *
The external memory of the HTC Desire HD can be increase up to 32 GB using a micro SD card.

I thought it was about the Wildfire HD.. anyway HTC Desire HD > *
motorola defy
image: Large-Bannas-with-phone

iPhone 3GS :P
galaxy tab ftw
iPad pwns all :D
The Samsung Galaxy S II will be the best Smartphone this year next to the iPhone 5.

(HTC is a very quality brand, but they dont bring something new...)
iphone 3.dunno about others and dont care
we had this discussion about dozen times
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