Stepping up my rifle-game

QuoteTags: Enemy territory rifle ati most random riflenade


best rifle after e: rNz
-1 for the name
+1 for the mario music

overall, neutral.
Being proud of special delivery rifle frags is like throwing a support fire on the goldrush tank and then being happy when the tank gets disabled.
Quotethrowing a support fire on the goldrush tank and then being happy when the tank gets disabled.

you arent supposed to throw it on the tank.
bugs sometimes if the tank is moving
this was seriously nothing more than medskilled rifling/playing
+1 "console pojat"
move along folks, nothing special to see here.
1 man rifles on Delivery!!!!! RESTEKPA
u mad + u jelly
I'm glad you improved! And i am not mad :_D
ofc u have potential
"console pojat"
Kim Jong-Kun dissaproves

image: potentialassmuncher
damn, you were faster :<
meikä pelaamas=10
Repeen tohon "console pojat" ku sit sää pysähyt ja avaat consolen XDD
Wish you thirdies would make an attempt to get your English right.
'has born'
'has awaken'
lol get education nerd
We have the best educating system in the world, why so upset?
your english skills prove you wrong
Es ist 10 Uhr morgens und Kathi kriegt nen Pickel
nice mario music :)
Quote Do I have potential?
like everybody has as standard rifling
rifle @ delivery = hard
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