Barrack master?

image: sGrRR
image: YEnt9

Its a true AoE beast!
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goths >.>

franks/celts -> goths
goths can just pump out champions vs the celts and easily win. or pikemen vs paladins
its a good counter tbh
Pike's are good vs palas but u cant hold a counter with them vs pala's tbh coz there a way to fast and to strong, but indeed best vs opalas is pike's, and goths are useless vs everyone exept archer civs, goths cant buid walls,
but honestly, they pump out a champion or huskarl in 2 sec with the upgrades from a barrack :P for like 13g/15g , now compare that to a paladin that costs 60g

you basically got unlimited infantry that you can spam and counter every unit in the game
the only ones with some sort of chance against them is the spanish with their mounted gunpowder but they are so expensive and the counter for them is like 15food and 15wood from archery ? :P

but ofc they have flaws yes :D
me and kri vs 3 computers(hard)
I thought that you guys were more of a "rise of the witch king" kinda people.
"The Lord of the Rings, the Battle for Middle-earth II, The Rise of the Witch-King"
now what?
epic game, loved it
anyone playing aoe3?
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