it's friday guys!

Sup cf,

Its friday!!
Well, at least it is in this video..

So guys, isnt this the best song EVAR??!!1

I was wondering, is this like serious or is this a spoof,
cuz if its serious, imma laught my ass off.

image: White_girl_dancing

Anonymous <3
image: 4176149156_ae4603f75d
ugly chick and ugly song haha
In Poland we have Tuesday, but maybe we are retarted...
nah, just you
that a horrible video, lyrics, song, and actors ( who ever made that needs to quit NOW
who is she
could be the next hit
i think its Tuesday but i could be wrong because im a gypspy.
nah, just you
yeas undercover in The Netherlands for gypsys.
oh wait i just blow my cover.
but thats another story ;P
holy shit im addicted, this has to be the most stupid song ever written
she sound like a crow
looks like a school project
cant you tell its a troll?
are you gay :o!?
this just came on radio one :p
Haha, awful lyrics or successful troll :D

Happy song though ^^
ROFL awesome gif, got more?
It's hauntingly weird :D:D
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