da sam srecan nebi pio

hi2u :]

tell me everything about your amazing thursday :]

mine: I got stuck in the rain because the fucking busses were delayed(fuck you connexxion :x) and I fucked up 2 tests today :]

so how was your day?

Song Playing: Opgeduveld - Ze gaan 't krijgen
care as in the jews are dying? because they don't bring enough children on this world :DDD
i got 0 points in maths test, np
haha noob :D you didnt even know how to write your own name :DDD
thats actually the only thing i did.
I went 1 hour to school then I went to BORAT :D It was fucking hilarious!!! And now I'm playing zeh poker.
get a normal life please
woke up @ 7, went to the bathroom, pissed, threw some water on my face, toast some bread, put butter + marmelade on it, and drank some pepsi max with it, read the paper a bit, drove off to university, first lecture not until 10, so i go to the library to study/spamm the net, spammed xfire and tried to read some throw and catch in java, ok, so i go to the lecture its about computer science, fun fun, the lecturer went on about some algorithm, even more fun \o/, then i got my last 2 home assignments, got a 9 and a 10, fucking 9 >,< grrr, ok, so now i go to lunch @ quoznos, have a huney bacon chicken , mmmmmmmmmmm that was so fucking good, ok get back to the library read some more in java, ok , then i go to a math class, and copy what the teacher writes on the board for 2 hours, lets all cheer for integration, ok, so now its like 15~ i go to the library to study some more java, get a billion calls from random people asking me shit, ok so now its like 17 i go out get in my car and drive home, ok, go to the shop and buy some random food items to eat, get home, make me a tunasalad sandwich, cooking chicken atm now, and studying more java, have an assignment due in tomorrow in it ;e so il be working through the night and tomorrow, cause its due @ lunch time tomorrow \o/

just got a mail from the teacher in my java class, project not due until 16:30 so i can chill tonight, a bit =P
facinating life you have :o

toast some bread, put butter + marmelade on it, and drank some pepsi max with it

are you mad? :D
had some left over from last night so i drank it, i would have had some cereal , but i didn't have any milk ;s
came home at 4, woke up at 11am today, ate pizza at 12, learned the whole afternoon, went to university to wirte an exam about information systems at 4pm, had a vin chaud at the christmas market, came home at 6pm, having a comfortable evening now drinking a self mixed mojito with my flatmate..
woke up to late, rushed my ass to my car, got at work to late, had a shit day at work, got home, took a shower, ate something, went off to a m8 of mine to fix my car, it got fixed, went home, now im here spamming.

Woke up at 7.45 then the fucking rain ruined my trip to school i arrived like soaked. Then a teacher pissed me off with his "rules" wich are just bs, and he likes having power hes just an old stubborn retard who thinks he's the shit. For the rest nothing special happend. Got 3.8 for maths ( damn im the shit the average was 4)
woke up @ 8 go to go school, @ 12 go to market and buy some fish... back to school, getting my F grade of Maths back (2.6 ;)) and some other grades. Home @ 14, writing stuff @ xfire, 15-18 playing q3a with some friends that were coming to see me, 18-20 visit friend and have little party 20-21 styding economical things then get back upstairs behind my pc...

life is good
trick je ownt wel met wiskunde :>>>
Ja jij ook, wat is je schoolskill dan?
vwo :<<

met latijns en grieks!

dus wiskunde b2
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