Spinning dogs in Bulgaria


can someone explain me wtf they are thinking?
debieltjes hating on nate dogg
animal cruelty.
cool if your are a poor russian and ur life is worthless.
kankermongolen hee
Its a new way creating electricity which is quite common in the eastern countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, CZ. It's originally from Poland.
cz and pl ? orginally from Poland ? pls dont compare Romania and Bulgaria to Czech and Poland.
They are 20 years behind us.
poor dogs :(
Im glad to see this!
Finally people who are trying to create some fun in dogs lifes.
This is like amusement park for dogs
I would love to do the same with these guys, but I would kill them with a knife in the end.

e: inb4 gambit posting the 3rd world country pic
That is by far the stupidest thing I have seen in weeks. Romanias got talent, or how did Romania ibun4ever say it.

EDIT: Whoops. Bulgaria, Romania. Potato, potato. Hmm. Anyway. Same thing.
what the FLYING FUCK
at least they didnt physically harm the dog

but if i could get away with it i would totally take my knife and cut as many of these people up :D
fucking retarded ppl :D
i would want to see some dog fucking eat the face of those guys :D
sick people.
nothing wrong, carry on
animal cruelty.
cool if your are a poor russian and ur life is worthless.
Cant tell me you didnt smile when the dogs where spinning, but yeah its very cruel :(
yes, and i was checking if they were swimming circles because they got dizzy xD
No, i didnt smile, laugh or anything. if this is funny for you, you should be fucking up there spinning your swedish ass
tbh i don't find this cruel, you can't tell me you didn't do this with a freind at the swings when you were young. Its fun but seeing as dogs can't do this on there own they have to be helped so it looks like its cruel.
You're a fucking moron!
nope think of it the way we do it it's exactly the same -.-
its a bit weird to compare human's stupidity and- possibilities to a dog.
Like a dog would even like to spin by some shitty rope, and fall in the water just to be taken spinned again afterwards.
this is the most retarded comment I read for a while.. And im reading a lot of polish comments..
QuoteSpinning dogs in Bulgaria

expected some shitty trash metal youtube video
everyone is like wtf animal cruelty, but noone checks where his meat comes from. :(
Not from spinning dog.
oh, so we spin all animals b4 we eat the meat? do we first skin animals alive and then eat the meat? no, only in retard country's.
Theres a difference between cruelty and killing without pain, as it gets done in most of the "normal" countries.
i work at a biological farm and i can tell you, that normal animal treatment in normal farms is cruel. Small cows are kept with broken legs so they dont need much space, they only get milk as food, so the meat stays smooth and after a few weeks they get killed. 500 Or more cows in one stable etc. etc. i dont even want to talk about pig and chicken treatment.(1 chicken has less space then his own body) And yes iam talking about eu countrys, germany and england are worst, but also in all the other countrys if the meat is not from a bio or demeter farm id bet that the animal dident have a nice life.
Fucking retarded
Im wondering how these people came to this idea...
alcohol + massive boredom
what are their other hobbies?
shooting cows with catapults and making sheeps bungeejump or what
sick people -.-
decent ideas tbh :-P
yeah sounds fun but wouldnt want to watch it :x

e: ok would think about the sheep thing :P
Hahaha xD

Would make it even cooler if they fed the dogs with chili or something, spreading the shit all around while spinning XD
You should get beaten up for such a comment tbh.
Suffering of the animal would be justified if it caused enough amusement, and in this case it does, so why would you go judgy on me? :|
so you also would laugh if you are the one up there? I highly doubt that, + the animals cant even defend theirselves.. You could be a part of the dnipropetrov manicas, if you know what that is..
I wouldn't laugh it up if I was there, but I sure as hell do with that dog going around in circles xD What's it to fact it can't defend itself? It's not even human...

Hypocrite internet knight demanding lynching xD do it yourself if you got any guts... CU@lan
well, Im a guy that who hates to see animals having pain, and I dont really think its funny either. But I see, you are a guy who never had a pet himself, right?
Im not a internet knight, I just state the way I see it, but yea, if you wanna talk about that on lan, maybe we will meet some time (I hope its not a problem if I bring my image: rottweiler (just an example pic, mine is a bit taller), so you can see what dogs could do if they are feeling pressure ^^ no offense btw, not attacking you in any way or want to scare you :)
You & that creature of yours, it's on then

So on
anyone here who is saying "those people should be killed/stabbed" is even worse.
Fucking internet thugs!
why are they worse? If a dog kills a young child, he also gets shot..
don't compare dogs with humans, just don't.
But Im doing that, the only difference between animals and humans is that most people are unbelievable stupid..
yeah, and you are one of those aparantly.
Discussion is over.
there wasnt even a discussion, you brought nothing useful to this conversation :-) but yea, you have a different point of view than I have, so its quite useless to talk to you ;)

e: and to insult you: you are also one, just even more stupid ololollo.
gonna try it with my cat
fucking sad should kill those people
Who is sad?
So you should kill those people while fucking? n1!
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