Steelseries 6gV2 review

so yea ..

i've got me a new keyboard. a 6G V2 by steelseries.

it's a small but very robust keyboard with mechanical keys.
45cm long, 13.5cm width and approx 3-4cm in height.
the weight isn't lesser than my old logitech g15. like 3-4kg ..

about the feel. the surface keys and the rest have a raw structure.
the keys themself feel very soft when touched and they respond very fast.
it feels pretty good playing with it. the only thing which i dont like that much
is the form of the RETURN key. it has this huge tail to the left. also, the
' # (german layout \| on english layout) key isn't where it should be. it's next to the right shift.
never seen that before and i have to get used to is first :(

that're the only bad things about this small sweet keyboard :)

there's also a bigger brother of this keyboard. the 7G..
it has an extra whatever you call it, usb audio and usb slots.

image: productpage_6gv2_big
how much did that cost?
i paid 64 euronen with shipping costs. normally it's around 70-80 euronen.

niggah got stolen

i hope u're trolling
164euro it was
Quote45cm long, 13.5cm width and approx 3-4cm in height.
the weight isn't lesser than my old logitech g15. like 3-4kg ..

nice man, mine is some 5 euros shit and does the same.
I bet it doesn't have mechanical keys, anti-ghosting or a PS/2 connector.
wud never freaking use that stuff

old keyboards remain the best
Tell me why old keyboards are the best, be specific plz
been using IBM and microsoft old keyboards for my entire life and noone of them ever broke and they feel great aswell

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRDAkw1FhmqvYwjbwUve065FyKEVvV-a0V0FUlkjfy8uJHNuSt1&t=1

my microsoft one and i cba to look for the IBM because i gotta pick up my dinner
well, see, the expression that old keyboards are better is based on the fact that lots of them were mechanical... Just wanted to see if you knew that...
Actually mechanical keys, PS/2 and N-key rollover *are* the 'old tech'. Back in the day when keyboards weren't manufactured as cheap as possible in as large quantities as possible the technology the keys worked with was mechanical - they all had a little spring in each key that returned it to the default non-pressed position.

However when computers became more popular some manufacturers wanted to make savings in the manufacturing process. This is where "cheap-ass" rubber dome keyboards came in. Instead of separately having a mechanism for each key, they have a large rubber mat with domes for each key which they place over the circuit board. While this was a lot cheaper, the domes did not have the same feeling as the springs do, and the operation force of the domes changes with use. Old rubber-dome keyboards are sloppy and awful to type on.

However, PS/2 connection in keyboards is becoming obsolete as motherboard manufacturers start dropping support for it. USB keyboards are just as fine, and they support hot-swapping (you can disconnect the keyboard and plug in another one without rebooting your system or frying your connectors), which is something PS/2 doesn't have.
well then i might have that stuff and dont even know XD

my keyboard is good however. well i guess so since its been through lots of shit and never ever failed

ed: just found out u can plug usb's in here, win
Dunno about Microsoft, but IBM at least has manufactured mechanical keyboards in the past. I think they, too, make cheap rubber pad ones nowadays, though.

The feel of the keyboard doesn't probably matter to most people, but I'd at least fancy a keyboard that lasts for more than a couple of years without beginning to feel sloppy. My current Razer Tarantula has rubber domes and I've had it for 5 years now, and oh man the feel on it is just horrible. I should get a mechanical one, such as that in the opening post, but I'm broke.

mines are like those, i dont get whats mechanical tbh, anyway my keyboard feels good and its really old already same goes for the IBM, i should clean it up tho, dont want them to get screwed because i never really bought a keyboard i always had these from my dad.
hey man, mine was free.

I got another one like it if you're interested, it will cost you around 64 bucks, this of course includes shipping
Filco > you ;D
my keyboard came with my pc for free and it has cool blue lights in it and more buttons than yours so I win.
lol mine was 10 euro's
3-4kg? Sounds somehow wrong.
i dont know exactly. i haven't weightend it. i guess it's 2-4kg..

and to others. you laugh cuz i bought me this keyboard but then buy shit mice
for 70-80 euros or even more trash headsets which are totally overpriced? :)

somebody suggested me some other keyboards also with mechanical keys
and stuff. they are from 80 up to 120€ . .
2.6 to be exact...
stop assuming what others buy to justify yourself. my 10 years old microsoft keyboard looks twice as solid than that thing.
dude .. you don't seem to know shit.
this is my third keyboard.. i am USING them not touching or caressing them.
a shit low microsoft keyboard would be worn out in a year! ..

i can take pics of my first '10 euro' keyboard if you want. it's so wasted ;)

so i'd better buy something which costs abit. eitherway it would've been
this or a special cherry keyboard.
my acer keyboard (came with pc ) worth 5euro lasted me for the last 3years
i got this microsoft keyboard for 4 years and i use it quite a lot, unless u smash your keys while u type i dont see how it gets screwed up. 3 days ago a glass of milk fell off on my keyboard and it still works just fine.

i dont know why u think that your new keyboard is going to last u any longer, they all come from the same place and i wouldnt say yous is more quality than mine is.
you actually do smash it and it still lasts for ages :D
i know right.
nah, i don't have such a dysfunction that i smash my keyboard everytime i lose or so.
the KEYS are worn alot .. holes, burnt, lost keys .. etc pp ..
wtf? how can u even lose keys. ur just fuckedup
Don't worry I got the Steelseries 6Gv2 like you last week :P And its heavier because it has a metal backing plate
seems like a random 5 euros keyboard
which type of switches does it have?

e: and where did you buy it?
Gold-plated mechanical switches.


SteelSeries 6Gv2 is built with mechanical no-click switches. The users experience with mechanical switches is very different compared to using the “soft feel” keys found on conventional keyboards or even laptops. So how is it different?
Cherry MX Blacks

Kuraigu's quote saying they are non-clicky is a lie, really, because all mechanical switches are loud, these are just a bit quieter than some other types lol
The only difference i see with my 2 euro standard keyboard is the windows logo is replaced with a steelseries :PPP
why are you posting this?? it seems these guys do know better than we do ;)

they'd rather use shit noname rams instead of rams which are worth the money.

by the way you none believers..

and you troll aroun cuz i paid 64bucks? :)
bit ugly but mechanical boards rule so hf :p
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