St Patricks Day!



image: 11gq07n



Happy St Patricks Day! Plans?
Getting a bigger fridge.
Getting less beer.
Have a bigger fridge and more beer.
ill celebrate it around my pussy smashing schedule.
I gave up smashing pussy for lent.
How about you give up that joke for Lent.
ha, thought you was to busy praccing with team uk
ha, thought you was too busy BEING SHIT AT COD4 AND QUAKE AND ET AND LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
your a shit Welshman
plans? get up, survive
Guinness tastes awful, one of the worst beers I've tasted.
real guinness (in ireland) is definitely the best beer what I've tasted :-d in finland it's a bit different, not as tasty but ok!
I tasted it at London so does it make a difference? :o
that's what irish ppl claim very hard and gotta admit that there's a difference. drank it in a pub near dublin. iz great!
Time for some Guinness and banter with the lads
Oh, but clearly not as much as will occur at Banter Boekelo in July.
Banter will occur.
Plan for the day: Do lots of work, drink lots of alcohol.

Bummed out I can't properly celebrate it :( important school week
going to some irish bar in edinburgh to start fights and jig
gonna go party hard with friends

lets hope i dont get stabbed by knackers in the city center
where's the chicken in yo fridge
bacon eggs and beer = healthy living :D
Its all a man needs to survive, seriously
I live in catered accomodation (all meals provided). The eggs are for latenight pancakes. The bacon is if I miss breakfast or something, or get "bcak from da culb" and is better than ordering takeout.
Why so much bacon.

I don't even
Nothing like having 2KG of bacon even though you're in catered accommodation :D. Just had some late night microwave bacon & cheese wraps. You jelly.
I didn't realize I have 90 minutes of heavy drinking to catch up.

Thanks for the heads up
:( I has nothing, St. Patrick's Day is lame for me... atleast until next year :)
empty boxes n1
guinness <3
guiness tastes like cold coffee seriously
Nice to see Im not the only one with pounds of bacon in their fridge
Gotta skip it this year, stupid work :(
Yeah... beer day !
gonna party hard
As if Thomas is becoming a lad! :')
You know where I'm coming from Mayners :D
Gonna buy green hat + go to Francerue de la soif in FranceRennes and drink beer !
green suit is up!
unless ur irish i dont see why you would drink on a thursday :P
I'm a student, students mostly go out through the week and not at the weekend (the weekend is for locals/those with jobs)

But I did drink especially more this Thursday. IrishLAD.
I on the other hand will celibrate with enough Guinness to drown several foster homes, and I will have homegrown moss on my cock, in the spirit of the day!
Time to start riots in Belfast, the boys.

£1 Guinness from 5-7 in little local pub. Leaving now to start gettan drank.
I have no idea what Patricks day is, but have fun
Writing a linux kernel driver and getting shitfaced. Not necessarily in that order.
image: ballmer_peak
Is that what you tried to do? :P
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