hanibal babe i love u

My mate CroatiaHanibal is going through a rough time.. He's experiencing the problems of adolescence and also learning about sexuality, etc etc..

So i decided to offer him a very big surprise as a sign of my respect and love for him!

[center]image: ne9ndd[/center]

e: for those that go like: "Oh thats so gay, im such a man, i wanna see some pussy".. Basicly bcuz ur not vry certain of ur sexual orientation and therefore u have agressive behaviour towards such images.. There you go..

[center]image: jghz7t[/center]

Almost forgot...

there is no fork
hanibal is fork
he prolly meant fork as in the nickname hani was using when FeedMe played vs him. mind less blown? :_D
FIXED it u fags.. :( new at this shit! enjoy
Hanibal always seemed weird to me.
my favourite cookie too ;D
image: Feels-Bad-Man-Frog

Fuck you sner
u know i've been wondering, where the fuck are u from? u're certainly not a croat
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