For all the boys ridin slabs and sippin lean

What do you think about Houston Texas music?

They obviously got their own hiphop culture

niggahs sippin syzurp aka lean aka purple drank, and screwin and choppin records. Ridin swangas with wooden wheels and vouges.
is this supposed to be an example of your awesome journals?

fucking mongol
well i bet you didnt know about Houston Texas yet.

and i think you can learn something from me
you are such a cripple it's unreal :DD
you dont know me

so a statement like that makes you look like a cripple instead of me
your comment had NOTHING to do with mine, so yeah, cripple.

also wondering why you saiko guys think anyone gives a flying fuck about stuff you write here? really?? nobody fucking does.
if people don't give a flying fuck about it, they should ignore them
i like your style,
looks like you are brain cripple indeed.

Making false assumptions and gettin mad
it's like you reply to people without reading shit of what they wrote, you're so mind numbingly retarded.
maybe you can repeat yourself once more mind numbin retard xDDDDDD
nice, been listening alot to houston rappers lately
is good what is good,zero e and scarface doing their thing.also rip pimp c,hip hop in south lost a great lyricist.hope bun b will drop soon some more classic album
stop being so hateful on ppl who listen anything else but what u like.if u dont like it press fast forward.peace!
did I complain about the music? another idiot replying without reading.
fact is i did not insulted u in the first place.will keep my cool replying again to you :i read your first comment and i dont understand why u posted a reply in the first place on a topic which obviously is not meant 4 u.go do your fuckin homeworks!
jesus fucking christ it's like talking to a brick wall.
take it easy ,don t go mad,stay chill.your first reply read it again.was not meant for the one who made this journal?i think yes.u are somehow disturbed he posted some wannabe gangsta shit but basically is just about the music.if u like it u listen if not u don t.than u gone into a discussion with tropic,yes i saw that,but i m reffering just to your first reply.peace!
I listen to every type of music so I can assure you I don't have a problem with the music. youtube journals in general are fucking stupid and that is why they are not allowed on crossfire (at least they're deleted when admins see them mostly).
that is something new i what u saying is that we can t post something that we like from you tube,and we think others might enjoy it right?is this a specific crossfire rule?than sorry to tell u,but if this rule really exists,either it don t apply to majority of journals,neither i wish that ,because if it would ,it would just spoil the 70 procent of fun on this site.because anyway things are never being serious here,but trolling just about game or players ,eventually gets really boring
no offence but I really cba to read this shit. every comment you write is ~4 lines of confused babble.
ok i will write it shortly for you:DON T READ THIS JOURNALS IF U DON T LIKE THEM!now is it clear enough 4 u smart man?
Punctuation, use it motherfucker.
mother fucker?hahahah.i m so scared of this gangsta behind pc screen that i almost shit my pants.but in fact i should thank you for calling me mother fucker.cause i am one!
Oh right, I forgot. Using the motherfucker makes me a gangster. My bad.

u mad i think.i wonder why?u mad cause u r to low to face me with a nice conversation or u mad cause nobody give u attention enough?
Ah yes, pulling the "u mad" card because you have nothing useful to say. Nice try.
i like playing royal beats your flush.sorry
I dont even get how you can talk to him, his English is like bla bla blub © znArk
read my most recent reply :D
my english is better than your native many languages u speak anyway?
Your English is better than my native language? How did you deduce that? Have you seen or heard me use my native language at all? ever? and my 7 year old cousin has better English skills than you do.
I speak 4 languages but not sure how that has anything to do with your English being shit.
oo the hate
u speak 4 languages but u miss the proper 7 years education from your parents.i rest my case
wait, 7 years from your parents? so do romanian peole throw their kids on the streets after 7 years, or do you just make no sense?
hmmm....another one hard to get.ok let me make it more easy for your b r a i n to process the info.when i said that i was reffering,we have an expression here in my country(since u obviously checked my profile so curious to find out who da hell i am) which basically says:a kid define his basics for personality and knowledge in the first 7 years of life,careffoully attended by his parents of course.that s what i meant,lemon head!
actually checked your profile to see where you're from, cause you're one of the crossfire heros who're showing their support by changing their flag, no really kudos on that, cause japan is now saved thanks to you.

now on topic. i hardly ever bother commenting in these journals full of hatred, but this one just caught my attention. You manage to misinterpret every comment here, and your comebacks just are full of shit.
Quoteok let me make it more easy for your b r a i n to process the info

how about you stop making a fool of yourself and behave according to your age? People then might take you more seriously.
u talk about journals full of hate.makes me laugh only by reading your last comment.what is your problem if i decided to take the jap flag for a i have to explain my self 2 u 4 that?if this makes me a hero ,in your oppinion,than i m making a mistake if i even try to take u back to the topic:who are u to judge anyway ?i did not said anything bad to you,nor to artstar.but if u read his first reply ,u will see this kid just talk trash regarding a journal about some videos on you tube.idk really which comebacks are full of shit,cause i never make come backs.i always move forward.u r the one who is trying to act smart.trying don t mean u also have to succedd,but anyway i wish u good luck :)
see, yet again you can not understand what i'm talking of, yet your english is supposed to be top notch. you were commenting about me checking your profile, so therefor i explained why i checked your profile.

about artstar flaming the dude who made this journal. Well no fucking wonder, all the dude and his e-friends do is fill crossfire with shit that doesn't deserve to be here, and that is not artstar's nor my opinion - the majority here thinks so. Nothing to do with the music he posted.
Quotetrying don t mean u also have to succedd,but anyway i wish u good luck :)

see, that's exactly what i had in mind, your age according to your profile is 30, tho seeing how/what you write, i'd say you're probably 15. i've got nothing against you or anyone here, but if you don't have a clue what you're talking of then it's alot easier to not say anything.
man....u obviously are pissed off.or u had a bad day idk...or u just don t like me...i don t give a damn anyway.i ll just tell u one more thing and i m out of here.this dude who posted this journal...u don t agree with it s subject fine.make crossfire a site 100 procent for nerds where they can talk only about ...what?et and that s it?last time i checked crossfire was a comunity ,and i know in a comunity ppl have right to talk about different subjects.that includes music.idk what artstar s or your problem is about this.

u wanna be my teacher and educate me about what i should or what i am allowed to post or not and u wanna give me some tips so ppl can take me seriously?omfg.i m so speechless about this.i did not realised that i have to ask for your fuckin permission to say my time i wanna post something i will make sure i ask u first!now pls spare me with your monumental quoting replies,to show me how much u care to annalyze each and every word i say and try have some fun!as a matter of fact ,just listen to the fuckin music and shut up!
god you're f*cking dumb. read what i write - analyze it - think what you write - reply.

i've got nothing against you, or the majority of the users here. and i've not said this is supposed to be 100% about ET, i just dont need to see every 2nd journal about them being cool cause their posting abilities have been revoked. understand that?

i know you think cause you're older than me then you must also be smarter than me. fact is you're not the sharpest guy around here but i do respect you for that.

now enjoy your accomplishment of being a fool.
Do you know what irony means?
ummm ... i believe irony is when i say u are dumb and u start laughing about it ,cause u know is true :D?
mad nerd is mad :) job well done.
:OOO.idk who told u i m mad,unless u have some paranormal powers i think u r not only mentally screwed up but also very bored as well.i suggest u take the picture very seriously.wait i forgot,u have no brain,so can t think anyway
Comment Ignored (+)

feels good man :)
comment ignored ,but u still reading it ,sorry ass who makes no sense at all?i see u tripping hard in the end u just end by being a total moron
and he is not talking.he is typing if u wanna be so accurate about it
ban him pls
Reported this comment to admins, LISTEN TO HIM AND DO WHAT HE SAYS!
u say it like your life depends on it lol
I like it

I'm Mike Jones (Who) Mike Jones the one and only you can't clone me
Got a lot a haters and a lot of homies some friends and some phony
Back then hoes didn't want me Now I'm hot hoes all on me
mike jones is a disgrace for hip hop....same as many others who gets millions of views when they offer no quality for their flow.sad
he is a rapper not a hip-hoper. rap killed hip hop.
wait a minute...hip hop is a culture as much as i s not refering only to music,but also to other things,like culture,clothes,art like for example grafitti and so on.rapping is part of the hip hop music.i don t think there is any hip hop song without rapping in it
Quotei don t think there is any hip hop song without raping in it

lol.i missed a "p".jesus,shot me now 4 that :))
Oldschool = 1337, Newschool (with exceptions) = crap

Hip hop - >

crap shit ->

Rap = Rhythm and poetry, i dont see any poetry in the newschool "rap/hiphop"

and fuck fuck fuck nigga nigga nigga bitch bitch bitch doesnt count.

E: didnt mean to dissrespect but when comparing the old to the new... its hard not to get frustrated by the shit the are making.
i totally agree with you.still there are some talents in new school as well.lupe,the game,andree 3000,kid the cudi,t.i. and some others which i can t remember now,i m to tired
WTF is going on here? >:O
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