Picking your settings

How did you guys pick settings that suit you?

I always start changing stuff. I play a few maps with settings, than if I dont hit a guy enough I start changing things around DURING the game. I change everything while playing (sens/m_pitch/crosshairsize/fov/r_mode/r_picmip), which sometimes affects my game too much if I do it too often.

It's hard to me to pick settings in ET, because in this game you are bound to miss shots you were supposed to hit. So how did you decide to stick with certain settings?
I keep playing till i hit again. Works for me. And if not i just change the sensitivity from 1.73 to 1.71 e.g. .
with the same settings I assume? :P
adapt or die
have the same problem usually. but it helped me a lot to search an "idol" and stick to his config / settings and speccin him on ettv for a while. (mystic for example.)
just recently i've changed to drawgun 0. i feel like i shoot better with pistol now, but sometimes i go into fights without knowing that i have medpacks drawn :/ kept same fov & xhair forever. changed R settings around only a few times
Then have it go drawgun 1 when you press your bind for medpacks? :D
i've had that before, didn't really like it for some reason.. can't remember
yeah happens to me to :< just changes aswell and sometimes when i spawn i spawn with a nade/needle or something and then when i tries to shoot something ill be like: why aint i hitting anything? :<
i have a lot of trouble even reviving people, not that i revive often, but when it's needed i just seem to miss the body lol
not changed anything since 05 :_D
neither has ur skill :{D
indeeed, actually it got worse :_D
changes are always bad, get used to ur settings, just know this that days aint brothers and u sometimes won't hit
I don't have any, trying to find decent settings for my old eyes :s
find one and stick with them
ye, the "find one" is the problem ;D
don't judge settings according to if u hit opponent or not, there are shitty connections etc that aint about you, rather than that just make ur sens stick with the opponen aka perfect tracking. If u keep going the other side of the guy ur tracking then u have too high sens and u should lower it, if u can't keep up with enemy then raise ur sensitivity. I can't really tell anything about m_pitch coz i never touched it and never will. Let the mouse move all directions the same and it's a profit imo.
lower m_pitch and delivery becomes a piece of cake, come on, everyone should know this :D
Sorry, i don't play delivery or b4 or any other shit map.
Don't change unless you really need to (can't do a 180/no mouse control would be a good example of 'need'). Otherwise just pick a medium sens + a random fov (some us 90, some 105 - obviously no 'correct' fov).
I already established that I need to play with a medium sens, I've been playing with a low sens, but everytime I play a different game or don't play for a long time I can't keep track of things because I use med sens in every other game I play.

Main problem is visibility. Perhaps my config is bad or my eyes are, but I feel comfortable moving around with 100fov, but my aim is less than with 90 and sometimes I just can't see enough on longer range. So Im in a cycle where I keep changing stuff because 100 fov makes things to unclear and 90 makes me move like a retard.

In all honesty, I haven't played with the same settings for more than an hour the last 3 years orso :s
:) try 95 fov , drawgun 0 , medium sense > profit
95 seems so weird, who plays with that :p
| pwner
i play with 95 :D
110 -> Mystic / Azatej
105 -> Night / Ganon
90 -> Urtier / Gza

Dont care about this faggot. Check his Profile or this one http://dunz.wippiespace.com/ET%20configs/ET%20Configs/-%20ET%20configs%20-/newCONFIGS/ config he used at TLR times (cpc2 i guess).
Why you should care other people settings at all?
120 - > anim / riseye

r they rockstars?
no, they're nerds
nerdstars then
actualy mystic used 105
106.5 actually
No he didnt. Since teKoa played together with him in a team on cpc2 im quite sure he knows it better than you :-*
tekoa is having a hangover, thers no way he could tell u wrong :*
Actually I dont give a shit about you / your opinion.
i didnt state any opinions
I used to be the same, till I got some good advice:

Roughly 270 over the mousepad (several people have told me this, who're worth listening to)

Use fov 90, although your movement will suffer at first, it's more a placebo affect, it only feels like you're moving slower (obviously field of view suffers, but if you're using the right sens the cut back on that disadvantage is tremendous)

Use native resolution - can't explain it, but just do it.

125 fps if you can, regardless of hz!

And just don't change for a month or something.
Thanks alot, I'll try that!
Problem is that I don't know what the native resolution of my screen is, if it even has one.

Using a 19inch crt, I noticed how some resolutions make things look stretched out. I guess r_mode 7 looks the most natural, but that's abit of a weird reso to aim with.
I went from changing my settings regularly (daily/weekly/monthly), to having not changed in several months. Nor will I.

If you know your monitors' make/model google it and should be able to find out.
viewsonic g90fb graphics series
ye ive tried that a few times, but never found a native resolution.
perhaps because its a crt?
Obviously you don't move any faster with high fov, but I feel I get a better feel for the game with high fov so I move faster. I swear I just skip off the surface with high fov where I feel I'm stuck to the floor with low fov.

How can it be placebo if I know it's not supposed to work :s
ask piegie how to stick with 1 sens
placebo. Get used to it. Sometimes i change sensitivity or m_pitch because the pad is "blocking" the movement or my hand is not "warm enough so the movements are kinda stuck", otherwise keep it simple and focus at objective!
I fucking hate cold hands, impossible to play with cold hands :<
yeah, the movement is so crap :||||\
my heating is so old you could consider it broken 24/7 :D
what euruz said, stick to your settings.
I thought this was going to be a journal about your bots aimfov settings.
changes are only good if it is good changes
Ik zit em te Schtijlem im mn beemeemwee.
Don't think it's about ur settings, get settings u like and stick to it.
If you're not hitting ur shots think u have a bad day :).
since im playing more ql than et right now, i feel that even my medium sens in et is too slow.

changed now to a higher value and it feels good.
got the same prob

been changing my sens every half an hour ( because my sens starts to 'feel' higher than the day before, so it's totally messed up again ) -> haven't kept a stable sens for like forever.
Same goes to fov, cfg etc ::: I should really keep some stable settings, but I'm way to picky :)
Used pretty much the same settings since forever, the only thing I have ever changed is my Fov and that's just through the good old placebo feeling anyway! :P
Only thing I've changed in 2 years is fov from 90 -> 105 and sens from 2.86 -> 2.87
I have sticked to same settings for years and I think I couldnt have any better setup for myself. Although I switched to 4x higher sens a month ago because my Razer DA is broken some how, I guess, and cant correctly handle the low sens anymore.

And at least for me playing with low sensitivity after some period of inactivity was piss easy, always felt like I didnt have any break at all.

Except for the sensitivity, last change was drawgun 1 -> drawgun 0 3 years ago.

image: 7vUHU
epic pic :D
playing with same settings since 2009
had the same cfg for 4 year and the only thing i´ve changed is the sensitivity :p

but before that i was changing cfg´s daily
tried many cfg, and came back to my own cfg hehe,

default sens(5), default dpi (400) + 100fov

just take some settings where you "feel" good in game, close/long shoot, end of story.
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