Day Journal

Hello readers.

Someone knows what CMS(Content Management System) Crossfire is using?
Because I´m looking similer CMS system as Crossfire has.
Or I do own CMS?

Yesterday I downloaded Photoshop C5 and then I crac...anyway today I made 2 signatures (It took 30minutes) for my buddy request. I´m pretty low- skill in photoshop,but here they are:

image: Wingakainzo_10

image: wingakainzo_09

How are they for beginner?

ET story
I just got kicked in Crossfire SLAC,because I played with Flamethower:(


Ati movie lover.
image: dupstep5

Mega signature:
image: Wingakainzo_08
this is gay
Better than my first attempt :D

image: ownagebywaki
A little too bright maybe ? Try playing with the exposure, don't over use the halo effect (it's kinda "has-been", imo), add a stroke to the writing (just 1 px), later you can use some brushes, for now keep testing everything :)
what is a begineer
I remember making my first sig with paint lol, looked ridiculous :D . Anyway good luck with your photoshop skills!
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