epic-eSports having a good night

easy points on cb and a nice 2-6 win vs KRP (nerds played goldrush)

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but blindi had new headset
thats good excuse :)
He should get fatal1ty headset
its best

Quote by wikipediaWendel has won approximately US$500,000 in cash and prizes from professional competitions, mainly in the Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL). In addition to receiving numerous product partnerships with his company Fatal1ty Brand (Fatal1ty, Inc.), he has been featured in mainstream newsprint publications such as Time, The New York Times, Forbes, and the BBC World Service. He has also been featured on 60 Minutes. He has a training regimen [2] where he practices at least eight hours each day, sometimes more.

Wendel has been a successful competitor in several first-person shooter games. He debuted as a professional gamer in October 1999 by placing 3rd in the Quake III Arena tournament at the CPL's FRAG 3 event. He has competed in tournaments with Counter-Strike, Call of Duty and Quake III Arena which he won with his team clan Kapitol at the first-ever CPL Teamplay World Championships (FRAG 4).[citation needed] Most of his successes have been with one-versus-one deathmatch games including Quake III Arena, Unreal Tournament 2003, and Painkiller. During his career, he has won a total of five world championship titles, including four with the Cyberathlete Professional League[3] and one with the World Cyber Games.[4]

On March 13, 2003, MTV featured Wendel on the True Life series. It was filmed in Kansas City, Kansas; San Antonio, Texas; and Dallas, Texas. The episode documented his life and how he prepared for the Cyberathlete Professional League's Winter 2002 Unreal Tournament 2003. Among those featured alongside Wendel in the professional gaming industry were his friends Phil "shogun", and Brian "astro", who were also very well known in the professional gaming circuit.[5]

Wendel started a business, Fatal1ty, Inc., selling his brand of gaming mouse pads, "FATpads". He later expanded this into other gaming equipment through a business partnership with Universal abit, Creative Labs and XFX to create motherboards, coolers, sound cards, video cards, computer mice, computer cases, headphones, power supplies, and even clothes bearing his moniker.[6]

Wendel was the spokesman of the now defunct Championship Gaming Series and has temporarily put aside actively competing.[7]

Wendel was awarded the first Lifetime Achievement Award in the four-year history of the eSports Award.

Wendel teams up with ASRock to make Fatal1ty Gaming Motherboards. December 3, 2010
hey bitch cool copypaste
Quote Quote: wikipedia
Quoteuse hide or some shit
Quoteuse hide or some shit
i heard krp player blindi had new piece of gaming equipment
i heard that the guy above me heard that krp player blindi had new piece of gaming equipment
we have never even played you tbh
do you think so happolapsi? :( don't deny it! face the reality. Today is a bad day for krp.
well, playing with a new headset was really strange, if you had had a new headset you'd also have been quite confused. I couldnt do much since the sounds were all new and weird to me so practically you won a 5on4-game. gg anyway, gl @ LAN!
you too gl at lan
not needed ;)
what's different about a mp40 shooting trough one headset or the other

btw it's not like you'll hear spiders all of a sudden
indeed, i got suprised of the difference
haha nice bullshit excuse
epic eSports too epic
epic eSports is just our MGC, we just are epic...! :{D
He was talking about your hidden sniping @ west radar
that's what he meant u twat -.-'
I didn't hear anything but Charlie Sheen is winning
I like that epic clantag!
Quotekaunista pojat

comment approved.
nice gaming by enemy

KRP good strats on grush, homemap
You played against a shit KRP lineup, one of them was handicapped and you feel proud? wow.

I actually don't like it how ego you are lately at all, constantly searching for med+/HIGH on irc? damn.
Maybe because we're doing really good against that kind of team? We wouldn't be searching for med+ teams if we weren't able to handle it. Try to think before talking bullshit :)

And it actually was quite a good krp line up since they had ensam, blindi, mana, altsi and vanhaomena.
Since when has my nickname been stuff.
so it was ensam and randoms,really.
what's your point seriously? we never played against you and you keep flaming without knowing.
no, we actually did play against you a while ago and also with a mix recently, you lost both times :p

oh and my point was that I don't like these egotastic journals and shit with no real accomplishments at all and the fact is that you are overrating yourselves hard. (not that glitz doesen't have the same problem)
well if we can handle med+ on irc i guess we can say we are above med + we reached the top 4 during the last OC div2. That ain't that bad.
nah not bad, i didn't mean to offend you in any way or say that you aren't better than med or something. It's just that I don't like these ego journals and unless you won div2 that's really not an achievement either :p
I know that mate :D We just posted it to troll krp. Nothing else :)
Edited, my bad. Forgot it :D Sorries u pro sniper elite! :)
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