ET - Win7 64bit

hey guys

so im on new pc, using win 7 64bit.

When i try to connect to a server i get some message ending in .dll - Now it just says awaiting connection, im connecting threw slac

anything i need to do?

did you turn UAC off? dont ask me where because i cant use w7 either :l
whats UAC? :P
user account control: control panel -> system and security -> Change User Account Control settings, set it off
Where on here?

image: 2yuhd2w
Change User Account Control settings

It only gives me a scroll bar, WTF :(
Ye :D then it only gives me a scroll bar :P
scroll the bar down, to 'never notify' and its off :P
Ok :P im noob to this :D thanks mate
did that shit help? no idea if it works for your problem but it worked for mine!
I LOVE YOU!!! ET WORKS!!! OMG I CAN NERD AGAIN <33333333333333333333
thanks samplem8, i can pwn again
what i said



yes, format
stfu, crossfire full of retarded kids these days.
at least you realize it he

i see what you did there! :p LE-TEZ
le cup of thé?
mé icépaskidi
im lé stúpíd
le chtupide?
I'd uninstall Win7 as soon as possible if I were you.
bad O/S is bad.
dumb polak is dumb
Don't be mad, it's just an O/S, you don't have to rage or anything you know. How emarassing would that be if the ambulance would find you dead becouse you get cerebral haemorrhage over an arguement on the internet :DDDD
mad ?:D
Your argument fails, even the first win7 beta outperformed win xp in all cathegories on a "modern" pc
sure boy :)
"boy" if you're ready to paypal me 100 euro I can print the papers!
he prolly stills runs pentium 4

image: Trollface
w7 is prolly the best OS out there.

Xp is noway near it anymore.

And I use both on regular basis and win7 is so much better. it can do everything that xp can and so much more.
I also use both, XP > 7 anytime.

Stop being in the middle ages and get to know win7. you are just too comfortable using xp and you are frankly too stupid to learn new stuff.
Or you are too comfortable using Win7 and you fall in love with the shiny junk?
Either way, I prefer XP, it's better for everything I do on my PC.
It is not better if you dont know how to use it.

And it's not about the shiny thing lol. I just learned to use it :D:D You prolly should do the same.

And yeah, I didnt like w7 at first, but due to uni and new laptop I couldnt install xp on it and had to use it. just get your backwards brain out of your ass.
Please, I use about 9 hours / week Windows 7 at school, also on laptop @ home, @ school and I use XP home, I do the same "work" with Xp and W7 and XP is much better.
Well you realise that neither you or infect, in this whole conversation, put a single solid argument ? You're like "XP is better", and he's like "No no no, W7 is much better".
he is the one putting no evidence into the conversation. I said: "XP is better for what I do on my" and it's not his business what I do. I use Win7 and Xp for the same stuff, win7 in school and xp @ home.
XP is as backwards as the country you live in. No surprise it's your preference.
QuoteCountry: BE

Sorry I don't think you are from the right country to speak about Hungary. You are not even a country if we just take a look at the races, half dutch half french, oh boy.
btw, do you have a government yet?
lol nice joke but you have a government and your country still shitty as it was in the past.
Besides that, they have duvel and they are in the center of europe :/
It's not my problem that my country sucks, he started to blame Hungary. It's a bad country ok, but belgium please :DDDD
Well thats kind stupid, he shouldnt blame Hungary..
About Belgium, i dont think that its so bad as people say. I was there in the last summer and i have to say that was pretty cool and people were friendly, living their own lifes without worries etc etc even without a government and even when everyone says that they are fuckin farmers/retarded/stupid : D
Exactly, an entire country operating without a government. Far more progressive than what you have.

If we look at races, then we aren't Dutch or French, since those aren't races.
scousers cannot into et
I just installed ET on ym w7 64 bit and started it
64 bits win7 is shit for games
x86 is also shit for games
draw the lesson = Windows 7 sucks.
EDIT: for games!
why is that so ?
coz much people have problems with games on the 64 bit version of win7
Problems like what?

I cant recall having any :D
1. You can't set your refreshrate over 85, if you can well that's totally random.
2. You need extra programs for everything, turning mouse accel off, setting hz, set refreshrate
3. You have to turn UAC off, and get some program which will maker ur latency lower.
4. FPS lags
5. oh yeah and delays on ventrilo.**
+ 2313132 other problems

50% of users have these, feel free to read microsoft forums.
I dont play ET.
I am @ laptop, so refreshrate doesnt bother me.
2 clicks to turn of UAC isnt a problem lol :D
As I said, no FPS lags in random SP games
I use skype and ts3 mostly. Vent only lags if there's under 2 persons in the channel for some reasons.
It's for you. There are other people using Windows 7 and playing games and etc.
Yeah, win7 was meant to play 2003 game:D

Give me a break. Dont base your opinion on an old game like ET.And people dont use ventrilo dude.
1. right
2. you needed them on XP or any other OS too, so point invalid
3. turning UAC off is the most idiotic thing one can do when using win7 and if its colliding with any programs its mostly the users not the program itself (users too dumb to use a simple app that wants to help them)
4. ehm, no?
5. cant say anything about that.
2. ? what? I use XP and I can set up to whatever I want and what my monitor can* handle, it was always that way and I never heard any problems with refresh rate on XP.

3. Why would I use any apps or something? I install Xp and I don't have to bother with latency problems.
4. Yes, google -> windows 7 fps lags -> 500 forums.
I have no problems at all, just make sure you have the latest drivers for gfx and sound aswell Direct X.
fucking dirty scouse ignoring me on facebook.
lol, got in the same situation 2 days ago

1) Go in your ET directory
2) Right click on ET.exe
3) Click on properties
4) Go in compatibility
5) Set the program in compatibility mod for Windows XP SP3
6) ???
Yea, for me win7 is much worse than XP for ET, also ventrilo has problems with it. However i use a cracked torrent version, maybe thats the reason :-|
Cracked? Windows 7 has 30 or 60days free trial, there is nothing to crack to use for that amount of days.
im on win7 64 bit .. run as admin ? :O)
why u just didnt dl new .dll lol :)
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