
seriously wtf is this shit?

How is shit like that even allowed on TV?!


But that isn't the worst part...

Replacing Tim Curry with some black chick :/


I rest my case, Glee is officially shit.
NE Robaciek: and I'm hatin on glee so much
Ap0c: good
Ap0c: I like
NE Robaciek: journal incoming
Ap0c: glee is for fucking homos and naive chicks

image: glee-sucks
nice priv logs there bro
pushing it down with useless journals, that is how much i care.
they take great songs and make them horrible.thats just what they do
shit series, only girls and faggots watch this shit
you calling Roba a faggot?
I don't watch it :D
best show eva

so gay btw

image: article-1320058-0B974955000005DC-2_468x286

image: article-1320058-0B974C7D000005DC-972_468x317
Ye I have no clue what kind of people watch this show :S sickens me.
So much hate :<
my despite-pity-burninacarfire-meter towards u before this journal: [DIE--*---------------------LOVE]

same meter after i checked this out: [DIE-------*----------------LOVE]
successful journal is successful
Certainly beats Jersey Shore.
its a bit gay. But i like glee's dont stop belivin song haha.

some episodes are good to:D
Glee is awesome, but I didnt liked the Rocky Horror episode tho. Plus I skip almost every song Rachel sings ;o) But further, its awesome :)
glee... only girls can understand the content of that show.
not so bad :D
i watch it and like it
haters gonna hate
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