Amsterdam 2011

Hello my fellow Dutch friends, all those who still know me and those newschoolers who registered in 2010 and have no idea who I am,

after my time in Malaysia, I will be spending this summer in Amsterdam. Can you tell me how much I will probably spend on a room there per month and how good public transport is? Are prices there comparable to, say Berlin for example? Are there any good clubs playing Indie / guitar music?
Prices are higher than in berlin.. You pay ~25 e for dinner (1 meal + 1 drink), and the room where I spent one night, which was a bit outside of Amsterdam, cost 60e per night :/

e: SKEPTICAL fake acc!
I'd say 300/400 at least for a room. Prices for beer etc are higher than here on the farmersside of the country :EEEEEEE

dno bout the transport, only been to Amsterdam once :(
you live on a farm? :o
oh.. I get it now. so naive :(
No I don't :)
just get some weed there and be happy.
Georg, was macht das Leben? Habe 2011 das Opening fest eingeplant.
besser isses
arbeite fleißig wie du siehst. was ging in malaysia
Geht immer noch, komme erst Anfang Juni zurueck. Tolles Land hier, Südostasien ist einfach super.
die nutten? wie sind die nutten?
War noch nicht in Thailand, aber bald!

schaumal, das hat frop gemacht. ich musste herzlich lachen, ich hoffe du nimmst es mir nicht übel!
Wie dick ich da bin, mindestens 10 kg weniger jetzt!
gibts in malaysia nichts zu essen oder was du glückspilz!
Flo und ich buchen sicher wieder im Sommer für günstige 60 Euro hin und zurück von Köln :-D

Wenn dann wieder der Flieger nicht geht oder Verspätung hat, wäre es ein lupenreiner Hattrick!
i dont remember the vagina quote :(
There's nothing erotic about a woman's vagina
just smoke weed and dont care about other things
1. At least ~400 a month for something decent. If you can find one that is.
2. Pretty good (alternative: get a bicycle)
3. Similar maybe a little higher
5. Probably
hey wb. nice pics of malaysia btw ^^
public transport is 10 euros (buy bike from a junkie)
all those who still know me and those newschoolers who registered in 2010 and have no idea who I am,

thank you for clarifying that you're oldschool
You're welcome. If you want me to tell you stories of ye old days, when Panzerfausts were still made from whole trees and loaded up with pepper, just say the word.
what was et like on december fifteenth in the year of two thousand and four
I still remember, I was owning in the distant realms of GMC Todeszone, having my mortar set up in a dusty city in the desert far from enemy lines and killing with the power of horizontal and vertical coordinates.
If these were the antique times, would you be sitting on the Mount Olympus with your comrades?
hahaha u indie like me and my mate kev:)))

i like u
rooms in amsterdam are messed up :< I'd suggest to take one that is near a tramstation but at least 15 minutes out of the centre, otherwise you'll get to pay insane roomprices.
"What a day, what a night, razz gettin' busted for using rivatuner tweakings..."
Welcome back man!

Public transport is a pain in the ass when you're heading over to Amsterdam. I suggest you to get a bike. And I'm not sure about those clubs because I got a different music style
amstersdams public transport isnt that bad, good connections with subways, trams and busses. Can get a card for traveling a month for like 300 EU( thats quite some yes)
taxi cabs are quite expensive.

if u stay in hotels, prices can vary from like 20 to alot euros a night, dnno how much it will cost if you stay longer. you can also try findning youth hostels or smthing like that, will be cheaper. Or maybe you can rent an appartment for the time being.
personnaly i would find an appartment like just outside Amsterdam coz the Public transport has proper connections.

why did you choose for Amsterdam btw? why not like The Hague or smthing, bassically the same, less tourists and closer to the beach. most likely also much cheaper in finding a room or hotels..

gl,, pm if u need smthing:)
I didn't make that clear enough, I will stay there for a few months, not just as a tourist ;-)
ye i figured, thats why i started about renting an appartment but amsterdam is really fucking expensive. lived there myself when i was still going to university for bout 5 months haha.
i found the public transport to be a bit pricey but its holland youll be able to steal a bike every day without problems to get round the central areas

last time i went main problem was 5€ beers :[

no idea on rental rates soz :!D
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