ET still alive ?

Whatsup all !?

I haven't played ET for a while now and I'm sorry to tell you but I won't return.
Which of my E-buddies are still playing ? :O

By the way poker is way cooler than ET and I can get u all 50$ free just pm me :P

this is a bodybuilding community, what is this ET you're talking about
Nobody plays ET now
Crossfire 3.2 - A BRINK Community
et is dead since junky got busted
dunno who are your buddies? for the dutch ppl only joshua saken and ati are playing afaik(obv there are more as i see now) tekoa and perfo are in a team but dunno if they are playing now or just at lan or something
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I havent played in a while and it already feels so ridiculous to see people wasting their time with this shit game. I know my opinion is heavily subjective but I dont care.
agree, gonna do and finish my last movie project and delete this shit away
will be hard :D
and then you dont play et for 2 months, accidently watch fragarea 1-2 and you're like "omg bbq best game evar, how could i even consider quit"

This has been me last 2 years haha, tho I dont play activly, I just cant let it go completly :')
i wanted to quit even after cheating, see this im still there rotfl
looks like ur talking about some drugs issue or smthg lol
have the same feelings :(
$50 free? :D .. just teach me poker :o)
ofc it is
hey :PPP
jeroen is gay!
jo, ik ben volgende week do in groningen
haha yes its alive & fuck ur poker!
If you pm him, he will probably give you a link to with his own referral code included, hoping to get a profit from referring you to the site.
There's nothing wrong with this and the site is legit (although the actual strategy is terribly out-dated!) but you should've mentioned this in your journal already...
thought the same
1- Fins kicking ass
2- Night in the army so Dignitas lost the ec for the lowskill Ross and co.
3- some randoms made a trojan anti hack program called slac so pb is not useful anymore
4- ........ etc etc
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