(spoilers) SC2 GSTL March Finals

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5RbwusJ9s7aY4sd9C1uGA5OCKZHXz6nbyy2l5TaGDOzDAoHe2qA vs image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT9lv66GxQPtSDEn5M3xQIImI4_uS5emd1MW3mSRwPVq7L8vsNERQ

For those of you interested, the GSTL March Finals are underway, first game is already played.

If you have an account at GOMTV you can view the free LQ stream by clicking 'Go Live' on the top of the GOMTV website, otherwise you'll have to make one quickly and tune in!

The GSTL is the Global Starcraft2 Team League held in Korea (and featuring Koreans only at the moment) and the finals are between IM (with players like Korea, Republic of NesTea, Korea, Republic of LosirA and Korea, Republic of MVP) and SlayerS (with players like Korea, Republic of Alicia, Korea, Republic of MMA (who managed to defeat both GSL March finalists this season) and of course the one and only Korea, Republic of BoxeR!). Should be epic!

Thanks for title edit, spoilers tag was poorly placed :D

We need more Korea, Republic of flags.

- Holy fuck, Korea, Republic of Alicia is raping the shit out of everyone :'D

- Not anymore, Korea, Republic of YongHwa beat him and Korea, Republic of Golden.

- The score is 3-2 to SlayerS, Korea, Republic of YongHwa up against Korea, Republic of Ryung now. Ryung wins, 4-2 to SlayerS.

- Korea, Republic of MVP TIME! He'll need to beat 3 guys in a row for IM to win.

Korea, Republic of MVP vs. Korea, Republic of Ryung [BATTLECRUISERZ]
Korea, Republic of MVP vs. Korea, Republic of GanZi [MARINEZ]
Korea, Republic of MVP vs Korea, Republic of MMA

Korea, Republic of MMA wins the game in a sick final! SlayerS win the GSTL March and Cella gets to coach the Korea, Republic of team :D

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZNSjhUIr8l0Oq8ZHn52PgSr5I78umEQk2npATPMK5B2YD0I-Xwg
I know how nerdy it sounds, but GSL/GSTL is ridiculously awesome to watch
No need to apologize to me!

To put it in Artosis' words: I GOT EPIC NERDCHILLS ALL OVER MY BODY.
Oh yeah, and the casts are awesome aswell!
The casting Archon <3
Really recommend this to anyone slightly interested in RTSs. Some great games.

Up top. You'll need a free account. And GOMplayer.
i try 2 troll :<
4:2 for SlayerS.. hope MvP gonna replay his run like he did to TLS and we gonna see all 9 matches
Would be awesome if Korea, Republic of MVP is able to that.

I really want to see Korea, Republic of MMA vs Korea, Republic of MVP!
MMA is a beast.. thay keep him for 9th set...and fuck those drops...
Yeah, wtf is up with all the drops :|
being pro in sc2 doesnt mean u know how pc works ^^
MVP's being owned I guess :$
xD delete this plz :D
I was listening to the cast only at that moment and even tastosis had no idea that was coming :P
i noticed BCs on production tab even befor thay mention this and i was like.. HEY GUYS LOOK!! BCs !! OMG LOOK AT THIS FUCKING TAB!
Wait! Battlecruisers :D
OMG !!
Now, that was FUCKING sick :D
not another tvt :(
Just that left I guess.
yup.. last gonna be MMA also T.
Unless MVP Loses ofc, in which case we don't see MMA. But yer, either way it's going to be TvTs
tbh during those 4 days of GSTL we didnt saw BoXer at all... i wouldnt be suprised if thay chose him as finish blow.. i hope we gonna see 9th set
little break.. disscusion time.. GanZi left during pause he call, what pissed off IM coach.
IM_MVP vs. SlayerS_MMA this match gonna show is MMA deserve on "Legend players killer" title
This shit is tense.
Great games.
BoxeR is a fucking legend.

Everyone already knew that but still, he's a fucking boss.
his students gonna rock next GSL for sure.. cant wait to see another season
GZ SlayerS

Epic to see MMA with a sign that says MVP :DD
Too much Korea, Republic of imo.
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