I haz CRT!

Finally after robbing a friends CRT I can play ET without getting LCD Eye Cancer. Anyone have a decent graphical setup for an 85refresh rate monitor or any helpful commands?

Thanks in advance

Crap CRT if it only gives you 85hz?
thought the same :p
a CRT at 60 outperforms an LCD at 60 just because of the sheer amount of tearing involved
Tearing has fuck all to do with the amount of Hz or the type of screen.

Perhaps when you say Tearing, you mean something else?
I dont think you fully understand....
link in profile.i use same displayrefresh
wheres your awesome smiley ? :c
i only get 59hz/60hz with my monitor?:o
r_mode 6
100 Hz

you have to realize that there is no difference between 0 hz and 85 , only when you go over 100hz you´ll see some difference
The refresh rate wasnt my main concern for the Eye Cancer, it was the tearing in the screen from left to right that was a major concern for concentration. Thankyou for you input kind sir ;)
Lol. There's a difference between 60 and 85 displayrefresh you dumb mofo

Just try different displayrefreshes on CRT and you will see
Have you noticed, that in every comment you make. You are insulting atleast 1 of the users here? :PPPP
Well my insults are based on something :P

if people wont give me reasons to insult them, then I wont :D
What he says isnt completely wrong, because as far as I know when you take displayrefresh 0 it will take the desktop refresh rate and if he has it set on 85 then it doesnt matter if he does 0 or 85. ;p
He wasnt speaking about ET but in general.
yes, there's obviously no difference between no refresh rate and some
That's not true at all.
I use 60/85 @ school depends which PC I get, I don't even like 85, but it's 500x times better than 60. If you can't see the difference between 60-85 then you should see an eye-doctor.
I can even notice the difference between 120-160hz, my monitor can handle both.
wut, 85 on a crt?
You can overclock it to 100hz at least

probably 120hz on r_mode 3
He can't use higher refreshrate than his monitor can handle, that's bullshit what you are saying. If he's monitor is able to handle 100hz @ 800x600 and only 85hz @ 1024x768 then he don't need any extra programs to use it out, he just has to change the resulotiun first. Ofc, exception for Windows 7, cos it's can't go over 85hz without tweaks.
i haz win7, how i go above?
You have to download the program called powerstrip, you have to go, right click-> display profiles(or smth like that) -> configure -> special timer settings(or smth like that)-> custom resolutions(or smth like that) and you choose the resolution and the refreshrate you want for it and it's done.
But I think you can't go above your monitor's maximom. Google your monitor and make sure if your monitor is able to pull of more than 85 hz.
Btw before setting your new refreshrate @ X resolution make sure your desktop to be at the exact same res.
For example: I use 1600x1200 @ desktop, my monitor is able to pull of 85hz at this res, So I had to change my res back to 1024x768 , then do the powerstrip thingie to 120. So when I am ingame with 1024x768 my monitor is at 120hz, when I go back to desktop it changes back to 85.
Hope you can understand it, sorry for my english.
You are wrong.

My 17" was able to max only 85hz no matter what resolution because of factory settings. With Powerstrip I went up to 120hz at r_mode 3. Im talking about my own experiences.
Still the monitors have maximum rates on certain resolutions. My old CRT had 120 horizontal and 106 vertical AFAIK, so you can't overclock above those certain values, only over the factory presets
Please explain me how could your monitor pull of more when the maximum refreshrate it can do is 85.
Factory settings
Why would they lock it at lower rate?
I dont know?!?!?

Lets stop this, at the moment I couldnt care less about CRT-monitors and their refreshrates ffs
QuoteOfc, exception for Windows 7, cos it's can't go over 85hz without tweaks.

... what?
A lot of (probably 90%?) Windows 7 user can't set their monitor refreshrate over 85 by going into screen settings.( You can google it, you'll find billions of forums about it.) You need a tweaker program called powestrip to solve the problem.
I have an Acer GD245HQ LCD that handles 120hz and all I had to do was go into the NVidia drivers and make a custom resolution for 1920x1080@120hz... handles 120hz just fine after that.
Dunno if it' only Ati problem, but I can't set my refreshrate over 85 in ati driver when I have Windows 7.
But the point was that you can't set your refreshate over 85 simply in Windows 7.
My point was that I could set 1920x1080 @ 120hz in windows 7 right from the start, but to use it in ET I had to add a custom resolution.

Could very well be an ATi driver thing.
hey, please gimme rights to send PMs :/
hey, please look at my profile and notice that I'm not an admin
hey, who gave me the rights then?
hey, as I'm still not an admin, I have no clue.
hey, but I got the rights few seconds after I wrote my message to you!
Try refreshforce.exe and when u have chosen your et resolution (i prefer r_mode 6 = 1024 x 768) force that resolution to have 120hz :)
Tearing is software related, I have both CRT and LCD hooked to my PC and either I get tearing on both or on none depending on the settings I use.

And your CRT monitor's specs will say it has 85 HZ but on low resolutions you can go higher.
How on Earth do you get a 75hz LCD monitor smooth? I've tried everything but it's still like playing with 3Hz CRT
120hz @ led np
Thats not the real thing
yes ofc, he just paid like 3k euros for it, not the real thing, its crap...
It has some input lag still. Not sure what youre talking about.
You might be able to finally get good at rifle grenade!! hohohoho :p
i got a 9year old crt, and i can go up to 120hz LOL, shit shit u bought
"after robbing a friends CRT"
he prolly gave some cash to his "Friend"
144 hz. i have the biggest dick here
144 mililiters?
My Compaq goes up to 160 Hz.

beat that bitch
200Hz@640x480 :o)
ok u win :<
Can do 200Hz but it doesn't make sense to use any more than 120/125 as doing so will only kill your monitor faster (and good CRTs are getting harder to find)
r_mode 6
r_displayrefresh 85
ur welcome
I'm quite sure the CRT will go above 85Hz. Just windows sometimes misreports the maximum unless you install the monitor drivers.

What monitor is it ?
Samsung "SyncMaster 750s"

rofl syncmaster?
should do r_mode 6 r_displayrefresh 120 nps,

not sure what win7 is like but can force it on winxp

image: 33714647
CRT, 85 ? what.

160 here @ 21", np
prolly on win7 which locks it to 85
I have Windows XP x64, but when I had Windows 7 it really locked to 85, but with "powerstrip" you can unlock the refreshrate so you can go to the monitor's max.
or just pull out vga edid pin
have fun lul
Native @ Highest refresh rate. Gogogogo
image: 2zg6zr9

And one was on my desk.
Currently rocking the 1.1 and enjoying it, IME3 is too light for me though the shape is nicer, considering modding when i get some spare time.
my ime3.0 mouse sometimes shutsdown, without any usb disconnect/connect sound, just stops for a milisec.. any advices how to minimize thies disconnects or w/e they are, or even prevent them from happening ?

It will indeed probably be a cable issue, does this happen due to movement? You would have to find the disruption in the cable, and then cut the cable and re-solder it. Another alternative is that you could replace the cable all together. I could do a tutorial if you're not confident doing it :).
yes it happens after/because of the movement but my cable doesnt seem damaged / scratched :S

it would be really alot if u could show / write to me how to replace the cable of the ime3.9
I see... Is there a particular angle that it happens in? If you could tell me the approx. degrees it will allow me to find which cable is power to the sensor.

I won't have time to write it just yet, either. Probably do it on Monday, will PM you with link when i can, do you have a spare mouse/are you going to solder it? :)
it happens idk maybie twice a day sometimes it doesnt even happen, but sometimes it freezes like 3-4times per min, sometimes it freezes while moving left,right or just standing still/ not moving, and no i dont got any spare mouse, i do got the deathadder, wich the cable is totaly destroyed :x

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