waXx asks questions

Yo Crossfire

Just received my QPAD CT but its a bit curled up , How do i flatten it properly?

And how do you guys stop your mouse wire from pulling ?
iron it to make it flat

and u gotta glue the cable to your desk
toasted qpad :)
Hit it with a shoe, that'll teach the bastard!
plug and play lets care
I fixed my mousecable with tape :>
gnna try :)
so are you saying that there's a possibility of you fucking up a task as easy as taping a cable to your desk?
just wait 2 days and it flat itself :P or whatever you call it + i used to put some thing on my cable.. tried to tape it but eww :<
homemade bungie made with kebabholders and tape
send it to me, i'll flat it ;P
i smell lies :)
No i'm serious, you need something heavy and warm to flat it, my ass is heaviest and warmest, belive me.
use it 1 week and it will be fine :p
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