LoL and it's retardness
26 Mar 2011, 01:21
More often now I've played with the biggest idiots there is in this game.
I for once went tanky for a team since nobody wants to take that role these days and i got to say I've played as tanky as it can gets protect all the carries and such and yet my team fails because of a retarded ezrael who bought 10 health portions as his first choice....
I for once went tanky for a team since nobody wants to take that role these days and i got to say I've played as tanky as it can gets protect all the carries and such and yet my team fails because of a retarded ezrael who bought 10 health portions as his first choice....
mIRC: /q iN|FR057 or iN|FR057`off @ Quakenet
Xfire: getoffmydickplease
Call of Duty 4
Enemy Territory
Quake Live
The only game I play active is ET. I havent played cod4 in ages and once in a while I play a ql duel.
2/10 for effort though
this was all for today, goodbye friend.
Would their opinions change if you described the games as such instead:
"I'm playing a ten years old buggy shooter with crude graphics and a retarded elitist community, and refuse to play anything new because new games don't have the same skill-based movement, and I have honed my virtual jumping skills for nine years now"
"I play this new fast paced strategy kinda game with a couple of friends, it's easy to get into and really fun!"
anyhow, thats your opinion and this is mine. and theres nothing we can do about it :)
Or just play Nasus, farm and get quadra kills, really. NEVER play tank or support at low elo cause its useless becouse your team will be awful, theres allways atleast one really shit player.
My advice to get out from low elo:
Play Irelia(highly recommended)
Renekton(highly recommended)
OR Mordekaiser with 40+ MAGIC PENETRATION And get Rylais, you will do SHITLOADS of damage and mordekaiser is hard to kill if you know when to use your skills.
Niki0o : Allways low elo, I know how to get out from there, dunno why I dont do so.
no wonder u lost
43 assists...
tank should have max 5-8 kills
43 assits = long game = 14 kills normal for a tank
And most of the kills were in a 1on2 situation when defending towers when i was the only one alive.
Also Bloodrazer > atma for some damage with tanks.
And elo doesnt mean shit unless you're 1,8k+. My team with an average elo of 1,400 or less won against ~1600 elo ranked players.