PC not booting

I opened my pc case to do the occassional cleaning up because lately it crashed (as in screen froze and i couldnt do anything) alot after windows started up and i figured the cpu fan must be dirty. So anyway I removed the cpu + fan thing, cleaned it up with a Swiffer thing, then put it back in using the clips blablabla. After that I used a Swiffer thing on everything so there was no dust whatsoever anywhere, and closed the case.

I was extra careful with everything and im sure all cables are alright since I was gentle using the Swiffer towel thing, but when I started my pc up again I can hear fans of psu and cpu working, but nothing else works except ethernet, dvd and hard drive. The power indicator light thingy isn't working as well.

I'm afraid this has something to do with PSU as well

PC is 18 months old
cpu: athlon 9650 x4 quad
mobo: Gigabyte something don't remember
Psu: noname but decent wattage

Thx for help

edit: I forgot to mention that i had something similar in the past. When I hit the on/off switch of the psu, it did the same thing, except i could use the power button to reboot to fix it.

edit2: if all else fails, i still got guarrantee :p

edit3: service center is in Athens @#$@#$#@$@#
try to remove cpu again, reset bios
Check all your cables anyway. If your PSU has a separate on/off switch, try turning it off and on again.

I'm afraid it might be something else though, because the problems you were having earlier on don't sound like overheating to me.
double check cables.
make sure the CPU fan is properly installed

if you dont any picture at all that is usually the RAM but that does not seem to be the case (as you didnt touch it).
the fact that the light on the mobo isn't coming on suggests it could well be a problem with the mobo or the psu to me, and the fact that the fans are powering up makes it seem more likely its the mobo :/
u already have 2 admins in this journal.. u sir are truly awesome
2 admins + 1 cheater
yo so funny man, u suck balls with slac anyway
Try to remove the battery from the motherboard for about 30 sec. Should reset the bios.
look 1st comment
that can be done by pushing the start button while having the clr_cmos jumper removed.
problem is i have no idea how to do that but ill google and do it if you say i should.
doesnt brake anything, so try it.
Do you still remember the old IDE HDDs? you had to jumper them for master or slave use.
on your mainboard there are also 2 little pins with such a jumper on them. it should say clear_cmos next to it. you simply take that jumper down, press the start button and nothing will happen (that ur eyes can see) but the bios will be reset.
It could actually be that while cleaning you accidientally removed the jumper and thats the reason you cant boot.
jumper is still there. also i removed cmos battery then put it back in, still nothing.
about the cooling gel the other guy already talked about...
did you wipe that off?
dont think so.. gonna check later. anyway thanks for advice.
undownload the Strike mappack for COD BO and give it to me :D
did u wipe off the cum off ur cpu maybie?

if u did, u need to buy some more cpu cum.. orelse it will never boot
image: cpu_cooling_graphite_silica_gel

btw, 1more day and ur geting cf unmarked! :))
Thermal grease (also called thermal gel, thermal compound, thermal paste, heat paste, heat sink paste, heat transfer compound, heat transfer paste (HTP) or heat sink compound

but not cum lol
swiffer = static
static + cpu = 320$ joke
i didnt touch the cpu, just the fan
same for all the electronical parts on ur mobo, gpu and what else. If u return the stuff, dont tell them u used the swiffer....
QuoteNever use a feather duster, Swiffer-type product, or vacuum inside your computer. Such tools can generate static charges which have the ability to fry internal components. (Using latex gloves is another way of making sure that you don't fry the computer, also do not work in an area where static charges are frequent such as the carpet or Styrofoam mats)

That's exactly how Swiffer cloths work, using static electricity. So I'm afraid there's a big chance you messed up some component this way.
QuoteI was extra careful with everything and im sure all cables are alright since I was gentle using the Swiffer towel thing

made my day
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