dragon age #1

Yesterday there was a journal about single player games and someone mentioned that dragon age was a good game and if you liked Assassins creed then you will like it too.

Guess what,

Dragon Age origins is a fucking boring game lol.

Need something better !
Yeah, because Dragon's Age and Assassin's Creed are quite similar indeed.
Hench my disappointment.
whoever told you they are smiliar was really well informed!
Furthermore, Dragon age sucks lol. Dno why some1 would recommend it :D
because its good in opposition to assassins creed
actually dragon age is one of the best rpgs out there, it has such a nice story and well developed characters. but i guess if you dont like rpgs you wont like DA, simple as
Your brain cant handle it hehe
not alot it can handle
What's there to handle. The game is wnb diablo :D
Dragon Age is awesome, Dragon Age 2 even better. If you liked mass effect 2 you will like Dragon Age.
AC Brotherhood completed already?
no, DA2 is shit compared to DAO
Brotherhood ei pela välja. Laggib liiga ebareaalselt. AC 2 oli juba piiri peal:D
LOL, whoever said that Dragon Age and AC are the same is homo. Furthermore Dragon Age Origins is one of the best rpg's
Oblivion maybe? :P
idd its too easy even though most players @ xfire couldn't even score with iwd so no wonder why they enjoy playing dragon age.
its the best rpg since nwn2?
dragon age is simply awesome..like pretty much everything from bioware.. but its nothing like ac so if u like ac u dont have to like da cause of that.. dont think there is much like ac..
Stop playing games and get a life
assassins creed aint bad
darksiders is great
dragon age is awesome, ACCORDING TO MY SUPER XFIRE I PLAYED IT FOR 64 hours D;
but if you dont like rpgs, then you wont like it.

just watch gameplay on yt before installing game next time ;d
I did watch. Hoped there would be more do it than just running around in crappy viewpoint
if the only thing you can see in this game is running around in crappy viewpoint, then congrats to you :P

no offence ofc, maybe youd like Bulletstorm, finished it yesterday, awesome game.
Dont think my laptop could handle it. The world seems too detailed and massive
the world isnt that massive as it seems, its a 'go there do that' shooter, without any side ways. if your laptop can handle unreal engine 3, then its going to handle this too.
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