Kill these ppl please

Kill these ppl please
you're e-bully
only for karl you know i <3 u too much
no. wouldnt be enough.
for fuck sake i will find those retards -_-'

Watashi-tachi wa Facebook no peji ni settei mitsukete, sono misu o tsukutte miyou?!
:( hate watching stuff like that ;_; >:(
same here :-/
circuses are fing gay anyway
Kinda sad that elephant who is a social animal is kept alone anyway.
Kill those assholes
life is hard
Kicking an elephant, ahahahaahahahaha
I would enjoy beating those ppl up every single day while they're caged/chained.
tbh really is sad. the dickheads who done this deserve to get tortured
all u from uk, go "see" their circus and id the guys and pwn them hooligan style
would you fuck with an elephant??

i wouldn't

by extension im not going to mess with a guy who smacks the shit out of one
sure is bad

but i saw way worse shit from asia, those fuckers will do anything
true, skinning dogs alive etc
oh yeh, i want to forget ever seeing that :D
I dont fucking understand what ":D" is doing in that sentence
the elephant should stomp them, would be even funny imo.
actually made me laugh, even though it's not actually funny
wtf is wrong with them..
welcome to the real world
the elephant should go apeshit on him
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