28 Mar 2011, 20:44
Pm me if you have very many experience and know how to get me out of ELO hell (solo) since im always stuck with nerd team. thanks <3
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
start blue golem place 5 JiTB (blue golem will die in 10 seconds) use smite
go to wolf camp
go to wraiths
either gank mid/bott/top or go big golems
recall get boots/razers
gank or counter jungle
Boots of Mobility, Madreds Bloodrazor, Infinity Edge, Guardian Angel?
Shaco is very weak after these big nerfs.
seriously get out of the internet!!
I normally always send my clone to get the tower just in case im not sure where the enemies are. It's also your job as shaco to provide vision for your teammates.
And always do some ganks and leave the kill for your carries since you can farm pretty well with madredz .
because he provides vision and is has a good lategame.
has a good lategame.
good lategame.
When we think of carries in LoL, we think of DPS champions that scale well through the game. Early game, they have slightly weaker stats than most champions, but by the time the mid to late game rolls around, they are slightly stronger than most other champions. Thus, early game, they require the team to "carry" them through the lane phase, while late game, they carry the rest of the team through the pushing/team fight/ganking phases.
Example carries, of course, include champions such as Ashe, Ezreal, Tristana, and Garen.
oh and, just play Urgot